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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Advanced Learning Algorithms by DeepLearning.AI

5,369 ratings

About the Course

In the second course of the Machine Learning Specialization, you will: • Build and train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification • Apply best practices for machine learning development so that your models generalize to data and tasks in the real world • Build and use decision trees and tree ensemble methods, including random forests and boosted trees The Machine Learning Specialization is a foundational online program created in collaboration between DeepLearning.AI and Stanford Online. In this beginner-friendly program, you will learn the fundamentals of machine learning and how to use these techniques to build real-world AI applications. This Specialization is taught by Andrew Ng, an AI visionary who has led critical research at Stanford University and groundbreaking work at Google Brain, Baidu, and Landing.AI to advance the AI field. This 3-course Specialization is an updated and expanded version of Andrew’s pioneering Machine Learning course, rated 4.9 out of 5 and taken by over 4.8 million learners since it launched in 2012. It provides a broad introduction to modern machine learning, including supervised learning (multiple linear regression, logistic regression, neural networks, and decision trees), unsupervised learning (clustering, dimensionality reduction, recommender systems), and some of the best practices used in Silicon Valley for artificial intelligence and machine learning innovation (evaluating and tuning models, taking a data-centric approach to improving performance, and more.) By the end of this Specialization, you will have mastered key theoretical concepts and gained the practical know-how to quickly and powerfully apply machine learning to challenging real-world problems. If you’re looking to break into AI or build a career in machine learning, the new Machine Learning Specialization is the best place to start....

Top reviews


Apr 14, 2023

Extremely educational with great examples. Helpful to know Python beforehand or the syntax will become a time sync, and understanding the mathematics as going through the class makes it a decent pace.


Jul 29, 2023

Another fantastic course by Andrew Ng! He covers neural networks, decision trees, random forest, and XGBoost models really well. I like that he shares his intuition behind every concept he explains.

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26 - 50 of 855 Reviews for Advanced Learning Algorithms

By Scott W

Mar 18, 2024

A great overview of neural networks, decision trees/tree ensembles, and most importantly (in my opinion) guidelines for implementing these algorithms well - assessing for overfitting, ascertaining what next steps to take to improve model performance, etc. I would have liked to see a bit more coverage - for example, in optional videos/labs - on the details of random forests and XGBoost. The coverage of decision trees overall felt more sparse and a bit rushed compared to the coverage of neural networks, and left me with some unanswered questions about how to appropriately implement these algorithms. As with the first course of the specialization, the lecture videos were always clear and engaging - truly excellent.

By Argha B

Sep 16, 2022

Dr. Andrew Ng and his Team have created a solid ML course that is both beginners friendly and highly intuitive. The theory,just like the first course in the specialization, has been explained in a very lucid and friendly manner. They have created a course that is really good at imparting all the necessary theory to learners without bagging them down with all the complicated maths related to them, which is something I have found a very good thing. Plus , they also touch upon all the open source ML libraries that is used by the industry and enthusiasts alike, which is something I really appreciated.

All in all, this is one of the best ML course out their and a must learn for every beginner ML enthusiast.

By Echekwu E

Sep 27, 2022

i love the way Andrew Ng teaches, i remebered a while back, i tried learning about decision tree from the internet and i could remember , i left the tutorial more confuse. i love the way he presents the learning intuition of each topic. for everyone watching & taking the course, watch out for the "intuition" of each topic. Andrew Ng does a great job of demystifying ml concepts ( than most youtubers that dive aimlessly into jupyter notebook using libraies without explaining the concepts) and also partake in the quiz and assesment, they are great help.

it was a nice experience learning, Thanks Andrew Ng, DeepLearningAi, Stanfordonline

By Ralph C

Aug 6, 2023

Andrew Ng's Advanced Learning Algorithms course has given my understanding of complicated machine learning ideas a real "XGBoost." It's also taught me about neural networks and decision trees. The course is organized well, mixing clear explanations with hands-on practice in assignments. This has made me more sure of understanding tricky algorithms and how they're used, and how they connect to neural networks and decision trees. Professor Ng's teaching is very clear. This top-notch 5-star course is a must if you want to get better at these important parts of machine learning and make a big difference in the field.

By Nima N

Aug 24, 2023

Great course. All the introductory subject matter that one may need to start learning about advanced algorithms, plus coding support labs to facilitate learning. One added feature could be giving more room to the learners to practice coding. I know this is not a coding course but an optional practice lab that encourages the learners to code more independently would provide the necessary practice to fixate one's knowledge.

In addition, I wish the course had also focused on the process of data gathering, or using available data on the net to guide the learners towards independent practice of ML principles.

By Md. A A F

Apr 28, 2024

The curriculum is well-structured, providing a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical application through programming assignments. This allows students to implement various algorithms and understand their strengths and limitations in different scenarios. Additionally, the course emphasizes the importance of model evaluation and the selection of appropriate metrics for different tasks. The instructor's explanations are clear and concise, making complex topics easier to grasp. However, some prior knowledge of basic machine learning concepts is recommended to fully benefit from the course

By Anjula U

Jun 16, 2023

One of the best online courses available is a course focused on mathematical concepts. This course stands out because it offers highly valuable practice classes in addition to comprehensive content. The course is designed to be accessible and easy to understand, using simple English to explain complex mathematical ideas. It provides a strong foundation in mathematical principles and offers practical applications to enhance learning. Overall, this course is highly recommended for individuals seeking to improve their mathematical skills in an online learning environment

By Edward H

Aug 8, 2022

A great course that explains and walks you through actually coding principal supervised learning algorithms. Would appreciate if the description on calculating back propagation from the original course had been included. Then again, this version of the course I actually got through :). All in all I felt the assignments where at a level that I could quite quickly work through, and find help when I got stuck. Grateful that Andrew Ng and his team made this course series subject so accesible and doable.

By Vinicio O

Oct 7, 2023

Another typical Andrew Ng success! What else to say if not that the inspirational energy and always great sense of humour of Andrew make things silky smooth to learn. Information seems to be up to date with state of the art in general and the extra, optional information is always a blessing to have, gives the course that which I aimed to learn which is how do the engines of AI/ML work! All in a way easy to follow and to understand, I can't wait to be able to progress and put everything into practice!

By Muhammad K A

Aug 13, 2023

I recently completed a course led by Sir Andrew Ng, focusing on Neural Networks and Decision Trees. The course's content is highly effective, though some parts proved challenging to comprehend fully. Sir Andrew Ng's instruction is commendable; his approach to teaching Neural Networks is simply fabulous. While the course's complexity occasionally posed difficulties, the overall learning experience was immensely valuable and has left me with a solid grasp of these crucial machine learning concepts.

By Pradeep K R m

Nov 12, 2022

Nice and informative course on the basics of advanced machine learning. Assisted with well programmed lab assignment, I got to learn a lot of machine algorithms from diagnostic ml, bias and variance and their importance for calculation of losses and finally decision tree equipped with several tools like random forest, XGboost etc...The information gained on completion of this course is surely going to help me come a long way in doing my phd project effectively with the help of machine learning

By Davide P

May 28, 2024

Andrew Ng is the best teacher in the world, and the way the course has been structured is right exactly what a beginner like me needs to have. What I really appreciated, besides the easy and rich contents (simple but not simplistic), is the many questions that Andrew answers along the way that somehow anticipates what comes to the student's mind - this gives the feeling that Andrew himself walked in the student's shoes before becoming one of the most prominent experts in the subject matter.

By Chien-Wei C

Jul 16, 2022

This is by far the best advanced machine learning algorithm course I've ever taken. Using simple examples to convey several no so intuitive concepts. Some of the concepts that was not 100% clear prior to this course are now crystal clear. But honestly, I would say for those who have zero experience in the field of machine learning and coding might find it hard to take in, especially the part when trying to write and understand the algorithm from scratch in the lab.

By Yousef G

Sep 10, 2022

This course is well designed for a beginner who wants to get the intuition of deep learning and see what is under the hood. By taking this course you will have a better understanding of principal concepts in deep learning and artificial intelligence and deep learning does not appear as a black box. The lab assignments are well designed to teach you better the whole concept. In a nutshell, well done Andrew NG, Stanford University, Deep learning AI, and Coursera!

By Svetlana V

Feb 14, 2023

Another excellent course. Dr. Ng's presentations are super clear and easy to follow, graphics/animations are superb.

What I think this course needs is a bit more time/explanation on backward propagation. Here it was touched upon only briefly and in an optional lab, and it was not clear how it tied back into neural networks algorithms. I had to learn this separately on my own by finding articles on Google. Thanks and looking forward to the next course!

By Darshit S

Apr 16, 2023

I really enjoyed the courses that Prof. Andrew taught. He has a special talent for explaining things in a way that's easy to understand. I learned a lot from him and it was a great learning experience. I think it's important to have teachers like Prof. Andrew who can make learning fun and interesting. It motivates students to learn more and enjoy the process of learning. Overall, I am grateful for discovering the courses taught by Prof. Andrew.

By Ivan Z

Sep 7, 2022

This is a very nice course. First of all, everything is very intuitive and seems appropriately challenging. It covers some pretty sophisticated concepts but in a very accessible way. I certainly tried to learn some of the same concepts and skills elsewhere, but I never felt confident about the outcomes. I think this course and specialization is one the best places to start learning the subject. I feel like I really understand what I am doing.

By Ed

Feb 9, 2023

I really liked the class. There is no class out there that is going to please 100% of the students b/c everyone is at a different learning stage in life. This course is no exception... I liked the majority of things taught here, however the only thing that I didn't really like was how the course jumped back-and-forth between Scikit-learn and TensorFlow. In the end this wasn't a big deal for me... just a minor thing. Great course!

By 魏巍

Apr 16, 2023

the practices on the jupyter notebooks are actually pretty creative and there are so many hints for learners to finish the labs even if they are rookie in ML, and there are also some interesting examples like Coffee beans, space ship and so on to just find the thing we learn is practical. It is really a joy watching Dr.Andrew 's courses and hope to have further courses about Data Science or ML!

By rcotta

Jun 28, 2022

Course 2 of 3 from the Machine Learning Specialization series. Whoever read my previous course comments will find this may sound repeating, but once again I need to praise Ng's way to explain the topic, which made clear some details - particularly on the decision trees videos - that were not so clear to me, even after a couple of MBA classes about the topic. I do recommend this course.

By Mame B M

Nov 19, 2023

This course is excellent for anyone who is new to machine learning and wants to grasp the fundamental concepts behind it. This course has helped me understand many concepts that I couldn't understand before. I recommend it for everyone, especially if like me you're not the biggest fan of mathematics. Thank you to Professor Andrew Ng and all his team for this incredible work.

By 19 徐 徐

Apr 18, 2023

I think I will go through the vedio more times, because there are lots of great ideas in this courses. What I love about this course is that the instructers give a very clear path on how machine learning lead into Neural network and decision trees. It also includes many valueable methods to evaluate different models. It will be nice to camp in the random forest for a while.

By Mohamed J

Sep 14, 2022

Amazing Course! Sir Andrew Ng explains complex algorithms like neural networks and decision trees in great depth with more intuition than math which is Awesome and makes learning easier. Learned useful machine learning advices and practises which are as important as the algorithms. I enjoyed the course very much. This specialization is the best way for you to #BreakIntoAI.

By Pratham M

May 22, 2023

This course was very good at setting a base for neural networks and explaining the key concepts. Again, the interactive labs were great and made the course more interesting. I believe a bit more math for back prop and maybe decision trees could have been added. Other than that, it was a great course, and I will recommend it to anyone wanting to learn neural networks.

By Michael D

Sep 26, 2023

Andrew Ng is a great communicator and a great teacher. His explanations of concepts that I struggled to understand in the past have almost always clarified the concepts. He's so good at relaying an intuitive understanding of the concepts presented - he has a knack for making even really difficult concepts just make sense! Can't wait to enroll in the next course.