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Learner Reviews & Feedback for First Step Korean by Yonsei University

49,681 ratings

About the Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!...

Top reviews


May 17, 2020

A really good starting point to understand what's the Hangeul is constituted of and have a taste test on daily conversation. Last 2 modules were of quick pace which encourages me to revisit more often


Jan 6, 2018

The course is amazing for now! The teacher explains everything in a great order and it helps me a lot with Korean. I understand a lot more now. Thank you for that Seung Hae Kang and Yonsei University!

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226 - 250 of 10,000 Reviews for First Step Korean

By Rose-Anne L

Apr 14, 2017

This course is really helpful not only for beginners but as well as to those people who already familiar with Korean Language. It introduces you with alphabets, grammar, pronunciation and also the cultural aspect. In this program, I have become more familiar with sentence construction and gaining extra vocabulary that I can use for daily conversations. But the most fun part is that there is also a forum section where you can share and gather inputs and discuss in depth the lesson.

By Melita M Y A

Aug 26, 2021

This course is very useful for beginners like me. After finishing this course, I am able to read hangeul well. In this course, there are lots of easy-to-understand conversations and vocabularies equipped with supporting animations. I highly recommend this course for you who want to learn the basic of Korean Language in a fun way! Anyway, I would like to express my gratitude toward Coursera, Yonsei University, as well as Prof Seung Hae Kang who have prepared this precious course.

By Rochelle L

Jul 25, 2021

First Step Korean definitely exceeded my expectations. I learned the basics of speaking, writing and reading Hangul. The course is broken down in simple and manageable lectures, exercises and quizzes. The videos are also well-developed and are easy to follow. Professor Kang was great in teaching the classes. I enjoyed this class so much that I purchased the certificate. I'm proud to complete the module.

My only suggestion is that I hope Yonsei University provides a Korean Level 2.

By Mary K B C L C

Jun 26, 2017

After 5 weeks of Intensive studying my first Korean class, I was amazed how is it easy to learn a language if one is really willing to learn and to practice it. The videos and the professor gave a detailed input on how to make learning Hangeul fun and easy to understand. I hope the "foreign words" ---the words in Hangeul will be also written in words so that pronunciation will be easy as well. I recommend this course for all who are just starting to learn Hangeul. Happy Learning!

By yakum t

Jul 27, 2020

I've always wanted to learn hangul. And professor Seung Hae Kang teaches in really simple way which is comfortable for basic learner like me. i loved everything about this course but i think adding some k-drama dialogues or some hallyuwood just like how Barbara Oakley put some hollywoods into Mindshift course i think can be way more interesting and fun for the beginners like me. Anyway, Thank you coursera and Yonsei university for the course and the valuable time teaching us.

By Jovanna T

Jun 23, 2020

I've always wanted to learn a new language and I've always been interested in the Korean language. I spent time watching thousands of videos and none of them explaining the language, culture, and usage as well as this course. I really recommend it those who are just starting like me. I have learned how to introduce myself, talk about my family, and so much more. I will continue to study my notes and get better. I want to thank Yonsei University and Ms. Seung Hae Kang for this.

By Samantha L

Mar 1, 2021

An excellent course for beginners! Really well-structured course covering all the basics you need to know. Videos were clear, straightforward and easy to follow and understand. If you make your own notes on the vocab, conversation examples and pronunciation then the quizzes become super easy. I definitely have learnt a lot of vocab and basic sentences and will now go on to use other online resources to continue teaching myself korean. Can't recommend this course enough!! :')

By camila p o o

Jul 24, 2020

Hola buenas tardes.

Mi nombre es Camila y necesito agradecer el tremendo material que se encuentra disponible de manera gratuita. La plataforma es perfecta, cabe señalar que el curso es breve pero muy completo, Espero poder seguir aprendiendo con ustedes , mil gracias por esta oportunidad.


A todo el equipo de COURSERA y a todas las personas que hacen posible que este material este disponibles para todos equitativamente.



By Brenda C

Aug 2, 2020

This course is absolutely amazing for someone who has wanted to learn the basics in the Korean Language. This course is formatted perfectly including the easy to follow along and understand videos, practice worksheets, and quizzes at the end. I would recommend this course to everyone wanting to study Korean as it feels like an actual class where you have to study weekly. This course is absolutely wonderful and surprising that it is free because it is so worth it. Thank you!

By Susana M

Mar 28, 2022

I have started learning Korean and this course made it easy to understand the concepts related to basic grammar and pronounciation. The flow of the lessons was great and there was a lot of information packed in short videos. The notes helped a lot when it came to practice. The quizzes helped alot to test what I knew or if I was even retaining any information. It is certainly different from the two languages I know (English and Spanish) but I do want to continue learning.

By Hector R A

Apr 24, 2023

Muy bien estructurado el curso. Cada módulo construye sobre las bases del anterior. Ayuda mucho contar con videos donde el estudiante extranjero se esfuerza en pronunciar bien y comunicarse y el estudiante hablante nativo de coreano que da el ejemplo de cómo es mantener una conversación fluida con el acento y entonación propios de su lengua materna, Felicito a la universidad Yonsei por este excelente curso, Ojalá tuvieran más cursos para los niveles intermedio y avanzado.

By Tricia S

Feb 6, 2022

This course is a solid introduction to learning Korean. Seung Hae Kang-ssi offers clear examples and keeps you focused on the topic covered. By the end of the course, I felt I had actually sat in her classroom. I recommend this course for anyone who already knows hangeul and basic pronunciation. While the lessons are relatively short, you'll want to practice what you learn a little each day so the concepts, sentence structures, and vocabulary sticks becomes more natural.

By Ayana Y

Apr 21, 2020

Thank you for the course! It was both interesting and challenging. I've learned lot of things. Numerals for me is still the most difficult topic. And for Hebrew speaker there is a specific problem: there are letters that look very similar and it's very confusing. I'd like to learn more basic stuff like personal pronouns for example if such a thing exists. How many times are there in Korean and so on. But anyway it's a very good start and I'll definitely continue to learn

By Luis F O H

May 26, 2023

It was a great opportunity for me to start learning about Korean language and culture, I always wanted to speak Korean with fluency, but I struggled with some characters and expressions. During the course I learned how to communicate and understand Korean language step by step, and it surprised me how fast I learned to ask and answer questions in Korean in a few weeks. I'm happy to have taken this course and I would definitely want to take similar courses in the future.

By Anupama Z

Mar 5, 2019

First of all, thank you very much for this course, Yonsei University and Professor Kang Seung Hae ssi. I'm now fully able to read and write Korean language. And by practicing, I'm being able to understand and speak more Korean day by day. To be honest, I'm loving this language more and more. It also helped me learning various customs and practices of Korean people. This course was very helpful indeed. I'll definitely recommend it to any person who wants to learn Korean.


Apr 15, 2021

Me pareció un curso muy útil ya que yo no sabia absolutamente nada de coreano pero en cada uno de sus videos explican perfectamente y con los ejercicio y guías puedes complementar toda la información. Un curso muy completo y recomendado.

I found it very useful course. I knew absolutely nothing about Korean but in each of their videos they explain perfectly and with the exercises and guides you can complement all the information. A very complete and recommended course.

By Afsana F

Feb 14, 2021

Hi, I'm Afsana from Bangladesh. Communication skills and language are always so important at present and I've completed "First Step Korean" for the same reason. This course helped me to enhance more of my communication skill and helped me to gain knowledge about Hangul . The Instructor Miss Seung Hae Kang explained each and every word in a detailed way which was helpful to understand easily and quickly. Provided reading scripts are sufficient to understand the basics.

By Camille A C

Dec 6, 2020

It is my first time to study Korean with a formal teacher and I learned a lot as compared to studying it on my own. Korean language is difficult because of how the grammar rules differ from the English language; the many particles and affixes used for conjugating words. I also like that there are guides for the pronunciation because that is also hard. The lecture has helped me a lot with those. I hope there were more practice tests especially for the vocabulary part.

By Meredith r R v

Aug 3, 2020

Muchas gracias por el curso, gracias a la profesora y a la Universidad Yonsei por tan noble gesto de enseñar mas allá de las barreras o las dificultades de la traducción en diversas lenguas, estoy muy feliz de haber participado y a la vez un poco triste de haber culminado, me queda la felicidad , y sobre todo lo aprendido, y aunque sea haya culminado el curso , no se ha terminado mi aprendizaje continuaré aprendiendo cada día mas de este lindo idioma...muchas gracias

By Nikeisha S

Nov 22, 2020

I really enjoyed every lesson, I will do this program again to further my understanding . I learned so much. I would greatly appreciate more information for Korean language courses I may participate in. Please reach out to me at with any information I need to continue my journey with the Korean language. I appreciated this course greatly an that it was offered to those willing to give the time and energy to practice and study complimentary.

By Juliana N

Jan 18, 2022

First of all, thank you so much to Professor Kang for a very informative and easy going module for me to learn Korean. Thanks too to Coursera for giving me this learning aid opportunity for free. I learnt so much in understanding the vocabs in Hangul words during this course. The units and modules were easy to understand and the quiz can be re-quiz if you did not pass at the first attempt. Overall, I recommend this course if you want to pursue your Korean learning.

By Yuki K S N

Jan 13, 2019

Very informative on the formal and informal ways of speaking Korean. I learnt a lot of vocabulary and understood Korean pronunciation better as well. I also reinforced my knowledge of numbers and the system of alphabets in Korea. However, the course might be too fast for someone who is entirely new to the Korean language. Probably recommended to do some reading first before getting into this course, which may become stressful over time. Thank you, Yonsei Univesity!

By Daniela S

Sep 26, 2017

Great course! The teacher speaks slowly enough that you can keep up with the reading.

If you want a starter's pack to Korean, this is it. It doesn't focus too much on grammar or theory, but on what you actually need to know.

One thing that confused me at first was the order of the materials in class. Because it starts with a dialog, moves on to vocabulary, and goes back to the dialog. Once I got used to that, it was very enjoyable to follow this course!

고맙습니다 :)

By Alexis V

Dec 14, 2020

This short course about Korean Language has been very helpful to me since I always watch Korean dramas and listen to K-pop songs. I wanted to understand what I'm watching without depending so much on the subtitles. This course gave me an in-depth learning about Korean language and culture. I hope that I'll be able to practice and to apply what I've learned in my daily life. By the way, Ms. Seung Hae Kang deserves a credit for being an effective online teacher.

By Jamara L A

Oct 15, 2020

I had an experience studying Korean language before but I wasn't able to study the beginner level due to my knowledge on how to read and write Hangul plus the greetings and some vocabularies that I know. With these course I learned a lot especially the culture of Korea and how Korean alphabets where made aside from that my knowledge and vocabularies got deeper with this course, hopefully there will be next course for this lesson. How about Korean 2? Thank you!