Bots & Blueprints: 6 Questions with a Software Architect and AI Developer

Written by Jessica Schulze • Updated on

IBMer Bradley Steinfeld shares his recipe for sustained success in software engineering and beyond.

[Featured image] A portrait of IBM employee Bradley Steinfeld on a graphic with the IBM logo

IBM Software Architect and AI Developer Bradley Steinfeld specializes in emerging technologies like blockchain, Web 2.0, and cloud computing. He’s an expert in staying ahead of the curve and self-teaching in an industry that demands continued learning. 

Steinfeld says a combination of hands-on experience and self-taught learning was key to early career growth. “Working on a variety of technologies in different contexts, both at work and on personal initiatives, has been instrumental in my development as a software architect.” 

Read on for Steinfeld’s top tips on how to stay motivated, strategize upskilling, and avoid burnout in your career.

Keeping pace with an evolving workplace

AI tools and use cases emerge seemingly every day. Trying to keep up with all of them can feel a bit Sisyphean. Although AI skills are currently at the top of everyone’s mind, nurturing your research skills is an evergreen endeavor that helps strengthen the rest of your skill set. Once you’ve laid the foundation of general AI knowledge, focus on your industry's applications and what you find most effective for your workflow. Remember that tools are supposed to help you become more productive, not slow you down. 

Technology is always changing. Adaptability and foresight can be very important,” Steinfeld says. “The last thing you want to do is invest a lot of time into one very specific tool or technology and not realize that everyone else has moved on after a year or two (or sooner with the fast pace of technology).”

What tools have you mastered for career development?

The most important tools I’ve had to master are search tools and other resources for finding answers. This used to mean searching various websites like Stack Overflow, Reddit, and so forth, but now AI tools have become one of the best resources for learning and getting answers. Beyond that, all other tools can change. It’s crucial to find what tools you’re comfortable with, whether that’s code editors, programming languages, or frameworks. Additionally, the tools should make sense for the problems you’re trying to solve. As your problems change, sometimes you have to use different tools to address them effectively.

Which skills are you surprised that you utilize most often in your role?

Soft skills like collaboration, time management, and project management, without a doubt. As a developer, communicating with your team members is just as important, if not more, than with machines. Explaining technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, demoing and receiving feedback, negotiating project timelines, and sharing knowledge with my team are all small things that greatly impact workflow and outcomes. This also includes prioritizing tasks, being adaptable, and making trade-off decisions. 

Collaboration in ideation, brainstorming, and execution is vital. My team helps validate my ideas and provides diverse perspectives. Together, we can break big problems into manageable pieces to solve them more effectively.

Staying motivated and connected on the job

In recent years, the job market has been defined by shifting career paths and expectations for employers—an era some experts have dubbed the Great Reshuffling. Alongside this turbulence, the mass adoption of generative AI tools in the workplace has resulted in urgent demand for upskilling. However, research shows employee engagement has dropped to its lowest level in over a decade [1]. Motivating yourself to continue learning can be challenging when even daily tasks leave you disengaged. Here’s Steinfeld’s advice on reigniting the fire:

Having fun is essential. Enjoying what you create, whether it’s writing clean code, optimizing performance, building innovative solutions, or working on projects you believe in, is crucial for maintaining longevity in this field. Enjoying the process keeps the motivation and passion alive, which is incredibly important for long-term success.”

Which of your job tasks do you find to be the most engaging?

I love designing software architectures because I think of it as solving puzzles. Initially, I thought I'd be happiest just writing code, but as I grew in my career, I found that creating the blueprint for systems is extremely fulfilling. It really pushes me to be creative, problem-solve, and learn from everyone around me. The best part is seeing my ideas come to life and supporting other developers who build on top of the systems.

How do you continue learning and growing in your field?

Attending industry conferences and meetups helps me stay connected and learn from others, especially in new spaces. I’m a huge fan of online courses and learning platforms—especially if they're hands-on. You can learn almost anything online these days! It can be challenging to keep up with the fast pace of everything in the tech industry, but it’s more accessible and open than ever to grow.

Experience is the best teacher

Steinfeld says his formal education provided a basic understanding, but the countless hours spent tinkering with code, building personal projects, and tackling real-world problems truly cemented his skills. Experience is invaluable to employers because it encompasses workplace skills like problem-solving, time management, and adaptability that can be challenging to demonstrate with academic credentials alone. 

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your younger self as you were seeking your first role?

The most important advice I’d give my younger self is to get your hands dirty and work on real projects. Focus on taking ideas from conception through to deployment. Design it, code it, and deploy it yourself. You’ll learn a tremendous amount along the way by touching all parts of the process. This hands-on experience deepens your understanding and allows you to speak confidently about your work and the technologies you’ve used during interviews. Having tangible projects to discuss will set you apart and demonstrate your practical skills effectively.

Is there anything else someone just starting out should know?

Be patient and persistent. Make yourself and your work known, don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek help, and take risks. One key thing that has made this stage of my career possible is the mindset of never getting stuck in a single solution. Always looking for new ways to approach a problem and thinking outside the box has been crucial.

Learn more from Bradley Steinfeld & the IBMers

Are you starting or advancing your career in software engineering? You can learn critical, in-demand skills like cloud computing and gen AI from experts by enrolling in IBM’s Full Stack Software Developer Professional Certificate. By the end, you’ll have gained hands-on experience building several projects for your GitHub portfolio. 

Article sources

  1. Gallup. “US Engagement Hits 11-Year Low,,than%202020's%20high%20of%2036%25.” Accessed August 22, 2024. 

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Jessica is a technical writer who specializes in computer science and information technology. Equipp...

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