How to Solve Coding Problems with Rubber Duck Debugging

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Make finding the errors in your code a little more fun with rubber duck debugging. Learn more about the rubber duck debugging approach, how it started, why programmers use it, and how to follow it.

[Featured Image] A software engineer sits at a desk and uses the rubber duck debugging method to help her company's software

Rubber duck debugging serves as a valuable technique in a programmer's toolkit. By explaining code or problems to an external entity, such as a rubber duck, you gain new insights and perspectives, improve your problem-solving abilities, and overcome challenges more effectively. 

Verbalizing thoughts and engaging in a structured analysis helps identify errors and logical inconsistencies, leading to more efficient debugging and code optimization. Whether or not a physical rubber duck is present, the essence of rubber duck debugging lies in externalizing thoughts and engaging in a self-reflective dialogue. By adopting this technique, you can enhance your debugging skills and become more proficient in resolving coding issues.

Read more: What Is Debugging?

What is rubber duck debugging?

This method allows programmers to debug code and resolve coding issues more effectively. The technique involves explaining a piece of code or a problem in detail to an inanimate object, often a rubber duck, as if the object can comprehend the explanation. 

Verbalizing the problem out loud helps you identify and resolve issues more efficiently. By articulating the problem step by step, you gain a clearer understanding of the code's flow and structure, leading to better problem-solving.

How did rubber duck debugging begin?

The concept of rubber duck debugging comes from the book "The Pragmatic Programmer" by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas. The authors wrote this book to help programmers design and maintain better code in a fun and engaging way. The book covers concepts and advice around how to be a lifelong learner, how to write adaptable code, and how to troubleshoot – including rubber duck debugging.  

While talking to an inanimate object might initially seem unhelpful, programmers often discover the solution without any input from the duck through explaining and reasoning. While this book was originally released in 1999, its success in the programming world and thoughtful advice have helped it remain a staple in programming development for many people. 

Why do programmers use rubber duck debugging?

Programmers employ rubber duck debugging as a technique to improve their debugging and problem-solving skills. Programmers gain a fresh perspective by explaining the code or problem step by step to an external entity, such as a rubber duck. Verbalizing the problem forces them to articulate their thoughts clearly, which can help identify mistakes, logical errors, or misunderstandings you might otherwise overlook during a silent examination. 

Rubber duck debugging promotes critical thinking and encourages programmers to approach problems differently, leading to more effective debugging and efficient problem resolution.

While rubber duck debugging originated for programmers, the concept can be applied in many different contexts. For example, when learning a new concept, reading information or explaining things to yourself aloud can help you improve memory retention. Hearing the sound of your voice often enhances how effectively you learn the concept, and having to explain material acts as a check to yourself for how well you understand it. 

Read more: Programmer vs. Developer: Job Roles, Differences, Salaries

Advantages of rubber duck debugging

Sometimes, all you need is to take a minute to think carefully through your steps and how your code functions line by line. When you integrate rubber duck debugging into your coding process, you can expect several benefits. 

  • Improved debugging efficiency: Verbalizing the code to a rubber duck or an external entity facilitates a comprehensive examination of the codebase. It allows programmers to scrutinize each line, decision, and assumption made, which often leads to the discovery of bugs or inconsistencies. Rubber duck debugging helps programmers catch errors earlier in the process, improving debugging efficiency and reducing time spent on troubleshooting.

  • Improved communication and collaboration: Rubber duck debugging is impactful in collaborative settings, facilitating communication and knowledge sharing among programmers. It helps programmers verbalize their code in clear ways and identify the actual problem areas that they remain stuck on after the independent debugging process. When they’re still stuck on a particular section, they can ask clear and articulate questions to their colleagues. Explaining the code to a partner or a group enhances communication and allows for exchanging ideas. 

  • Enhanced problem-solving: Rubber duck debugging forces you to articulate your thoughts and explain their code or problem step by step. This process helps you better understand the code's flow, identify mistakes, and uncover logical errors. By externalizing your thoughts and engaging in structured analysis, you can approach problems more systematically and find effective solutions.

Do you have to have a rubber duck?

While the term "rubber duck debugging" specifically refers to explaining the code to a rubber duck, the actual presence of a rubber duck is not crucial to the process. The primary objective is to externalize thoughts and verbally articulate the problem. Any inanimate object or even a person can serve as a substitute for the rubber duck. The key is to engage in a dialogue and carefully explain the code or problem to someone or something that will not interrupt or respond, allowing for a focused and uninterrupted thought process.

Rubber duck debugging step-by-step

To help you implement rubber duck debugging effectively, we’ve created the following step-by-step approach as a good starting point:

1. Assume your duck knows nothing.

Begin by assuming that the rubber duck or external entity has no knowledge or understanding of the code or problem. This mindset ensures that you start from the basics and prevents any assumptions from clouding your analysis.

2. Provide context for each line and decision made.

Go through your code or problem statement line by line, explaining the purpose and functionality of each segment. Provide the necessary context and reasoning behind the decisions made in the code. This process allows for a thorough examination of each component and helps in identifying any discrepancies or errors.

3. Judge your rationale until you find a solution.

As you explain the code or problem to the rubber duck, evaluate your thought process and rationale for each decision made. Question your assumptions, check for logical consistency, and challenge your reasoning. This critical evaluation helps uncover flaws, logical errors, or alternative solutions. Continuously assess and refine your rationale until a solution becomes evident.

By following these steps in the rubber duck debugging process, you effectively externalize your thinking and engage in a structured, verbalized analysis of the code or problem. This approach enhances problem-solving skills by facilitating a thorough examination of the code's intricacies and allowing for the identification of errors or logical inconsistencies that you may have otherwise overlooked. Rubber duck debugging encourages a methodical and systematic approach to debugging, ultimately leading to more efficient and effective solutions.

Next steps

Rubber duck debugging is a silly yet effective way to debug your software code. Explaining your thought processes and code functions line-by-line to an inanimate object forces you to slow down, examine details, and check assumptions. If you’re interested in learning more about rubber duck debugging or other debugging methods, completing a course or receiving a relevant Professional Certificate or Specialization is a great place to start.

Gain in-demand, job-ready skills with the Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate. This program is designed for beginners and covers topics like Python, debugging, automation, and more. Upon completion, gain a shareable Professional Certificate to include in your resume, CV, or LinkedIn profile.

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