What Is Test-Driven Development?

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Learn what test-driven development is, what the development cycle looks like, and how you can start learning this exciting skill.

[Featured Image] Two software programmers engage in test-driven development as they sit in front of computer screens.

Test-driven development is a type of software development where you write the test before writing the code. Explore what test-driven development is, its benefits, common types, and steps you can take to facilitate developing this software technique.

What is test-driven development?

Test-driven development (TDD) is a method of software development focused on the importance of writing tests before writing the code you will test. This technique contrasts traditional development methods, where code is usually written first, and tests come later. 

The concept of TDD is popular with members of the Agile community, where “Test First” practices grew in popularity as early as the 1990s. Agile software development is a framework designed to guide programmers in developing code in an adaptive and collaborative way, prioritizing development across interdisciplinary teams. Programmers using this testing method regularly report benefits such as reduced error rates and increased design quality throughout development phases.

The development cycle stages of TDD

TDD follows a straightforward idea: Write the test first and then write code oriented toward passing the test. The cycle uses the following steps:

1 - Write the test: You start by writing a unit test that describes an aspect of the program or function you are developing.

2 - Run the test: You run the test, and usually, it fails because you still need to implement the program or function.

3 - Write the code: You then write the simplest base code necessary to pass the test.

4 - Rerun the test: If the test passes, you can be confident that the new code works as expected. If not, you continue to write code until your test succeeds.

5 - Clean the code: Once all tests succeed, clean the code so it is more user-intuitive and readable.

The key feature of TDD is this short test/code cycle, often focused on a single requirement aimed at passing a single test case. Unit tests in TDD should be deterministic, meaning they should not rely on changing data or external systems.

Types of TDD

You can tailor the TDD methodology to suit various development environments and requirements. Programmers recognize several types of TDD, each with its features and uses. As described in the stages above, traditional test-driven development is the most straightforward form of TDD and is also known as red-green-refactoring. In this approach, a developer writes a failing test case (red), writes the code to make the test pass (green), and then refactors the code for optimization while keeping it green. Outside of this method, several other types of TDD exist, including:

1. Behavior-driven development (BDD)

Behavior-driven development (BDD) is a software development approach that complements TDD. While TDD focuses on the intricacies of individual functions in the code, BDD zooms out to guide the creation of entire features. It starts with examples described in natural language, often based on user needs, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical stakeholders.

BDD bridges coding and user-centric requirements. It employs a structured format to convert natural language examples into executable test cases. This structure not only facilitates seamless development but can also foster collaboration among team members from diverse disciplines.

2. Model-driven development (MDD)

Model-driven development (MDD) is a software development methodology that uses models to build comprehensive enterprise applications. These models encapsulate the application’s logic, offering a higher level of abstraction that simplifies the development process. Unlike traditional code-centric approaches, MDD considers models the primary source for executing programs, which may or may not involve code generation.

3. Acceptance test-driven development (ATDD)

In ATDD, the focus shifts from unit tests to acceptance tests. You write tests based on the customer’s perspective and intend to guide development toward delivering the features that customers want—or accept. Developers, testers, and other stakeholders often collaborate closely in ATDD.

Read more: How to Become a Computer Programmer

Benefits of TDD

Test-driven development has several advantages that might attract developers. Some benefits include the following:

  • Increased code quality:  For the right application, TDD can substantially improve your assurance of the code's correctness and reliability, making it easier to proceed with further development cycles.

  • Rapid error detection and correction: Because you test code immediately after you write it, you can easily identify and correct bugs or mistakes, especially when your logic is still fresh in your mind.

  • Isolated testing: TDD encourages the construction of code in a way that makes classes and methods easily testable independently, offering a more granular level of scrutiny.

  • Reduced debugging overhead: With immediate testing, you can spend considerably less effort on debugging, as you can usually catch any defects early in the development cycle.

  • Incremental upgrades: Because of its rigorous testing cycle, TDD makes adding new features or making changes to the system more straightforward while maintaining integrity.

Limitations of TDD

While test-driven development offers several perks in software development, it has challenges and limitations. Some noteworthy drawbacks that you should consider include:

  • Risk of redundancy: If you do not design tests well, you could have redundancy in the testing code, resulting in unnecessary work. This issue is especially common for those who are new to TDD.

  • Increased upfront code: The design of TDD requires you to write more code up front, including the test cases themselves before actual implementation begins. 

  • False confidence: Poorly designed tests can offer a false sense of security, potentially leading to overlooked bugs and reduced code quality. Implementations not specifically designed to pass a particular test could introduce undetected defects.

  • Incompatibility with certain systems: Some systems or programming tasks do not naturally fit the TDD design. For example, it can be challenging to effectively troubleshoot the broad range of possible interactions inherent in application UIs, network programming, and similar functions, even though you can write “test-first” code.

Read more: A Beginner’s Guide for Learning How to Code

How to learn TDD

Getting started with test-driven development (TDD) can be a rewarding experience that enhances your programming skills and offers a systematic approach to code writing and debugging. To begin, follow these steps.

1. Identify your strengths and weaknesses in TDD.

Before diving into TDD, assess what you already know and where you might need improvement. Are you comfortable with unit testing? How about the language you’ll be using for TDD? Knowing where you stand can help you focus your learning efforts effectively.

2. Find online resources.

Many online courses, tutorials, and documentation are specifically aimed at TDD. Choose a reliable source and stick with it to understand the basic practices of TDD. Make sure the courses or resources are suitable for your current skill level.

3. Practice real-world examples.

Nothing beats hands-on practice. Start with simple exercises, then gradually move to more complex projects as your skills develop. This is where you’ll see the theoretical knowledge you gained in action, which is invaluable for learning.

Getting started with Coursera

Test-driven development is an effective testing method where you write tests first, then write code to pass that test. TDD helps create effective software with high-quality code. You can take exciting courses related to TDD and similar applications offered by top universities and organizations on Coursera. Consider completing Introduction to Test Driven Development (TDD) by IBM as your first step. By taking online courses such as this one, you’ll be well on your way to becoming proficient in test-driven development, making you a more effective and reliable programmer.

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