Empower your talent to drive your business forward
- Train teams with respected industry experts and top universities
- Enrich learning solutions with tailored paths and AI tools
- Boost employee engagement with globally recognized credentials
- Customize scalable learning solutions efficiently
Upskilling fewer than 125 employees? Get Coursera for Teams

Join over 4,300 companies using Coursera to develop talent
Transform teams across your organization with in-demand skills
Offer learning solutions that accelerate business transformation
In-Demand Skills
Train your teams in the skills that matter most in today’s digital economy
World-Class Content
Provide access to content from 350+ leading universities and industry partners
Hands-on Learning
Build real world experience learning innovative skills, tools, and technology
Measurement & Benchmarking
Track progress, demonstrate the business case for learning, and focus your learning strategy
High-quality content
Learning from the best
Save on training costs with tailored content and industry-recognized credentials from over 350+ leading companies and universities.
- Learn directly from more than 20 top business schools
- Use curated academies for specific jobs or upskilling needs
- Balance workplace skills and technical skills training
- Offer learning in diverse formats, from video clips to guided projects and Professional Certificates

Skills for Job Roles
Strengthen workplace skills with customized learning pathways
Discover learning pathways and credentials designed to build high-impact skills that support your company’s strategic priorities.
Preview selected programs
Ready to lead your company through change?
Let’s connect to discuss how Coursera can help you:
- Accelerate your digital transformation
- Improve your company’s agility
- Boost employee productivity and innovation
- Equip employees to drive growth
Top companies develop skills with Coursera
With Coursera, we’ve cultivated a well-rounded, competitive technical workforce that is passionate about professional development.
The Job Skills of 2025 Report
Discover the fastest-growing job skills for 2025.
The Global Skills Report 2024
Identify critical skills and drive career outcomes for a competitive workforce.
Forrester Total Economic Impact™ Study of Coursera for Business
Discover how organizations use Coursera for Business to achieve measurable business outcomes and explore practical insights from global industry leaders.