
Leading Through Exponential Change

Build a culture of innovation and adaptability with the connected leadership style.

For leaders, there’s been no greater test of skills than guiding teams through continuing economic and industrial uncertainty as disruptors like generative AI emerge. To strengthen your skills in leading amid such unpredictability, you must maximize your ability to adapt quickly and effectively.

One powerful way to teach your entire workforce adaptable leadership skills is to adopt a connected leadership style. In “Leading Through Exponential Change,” Peter Boyd, instructor of the course Connected Leadership from Yale on Coursera, shares this framework for becoming a successful change agent.

Watch this recorded discussion to hear about:

Strategies for making the case for leadership development programs in the face of competing priorities How to strengthen leadership—your, your team’s, and your company’s—by connecting purpose, priorities, potential, and performance The skills needed to build a connected leadership style and how to implement learning solutions that can achieve this

Event details:

Type: On-demand webinar

Duration: 45 minutes


Peter Boyd

Lecturer, Yale School of the Environment -- Resident Fellow, Yale Center for Business and the Environment

Yousef Tuqan Tuqan

Solutions Consultant for Coursera