Transform your institution with in-demand generative AI skills

Prepare your campus with GenAI content that strengthens student employability, faculty effectiveness, and staff engagement.

  • Equip faculty and students to use GenAI ethically and responsibly
  • Develop competitive skills that boost employability
  • Empower educators to effectively teach and apply AI
estimated economic innovation and productivity gains from GenAI
of leaders said they’d rather hire a less experienced candidate with AI skills than a more experienced candidate without
of faculty using GenAI believe graduates will need to know how to effectively use GenAI tools to succeed in a professional setting

Provide essential generative AI education

As generative AI reshapes industries and career paths, universities play a crucial role in equipping students, faculty, and staff to effectively and ethically adapt.

Deliver in-demand learning with courses and hands-on projects from leading GenAI innovators. Empower your community with mission-critical skills to deepen their knowledge and ensure proficient, responsible use of advancing technologies.

  • Google Cloud
  • Vanderbilt University logo
  • ibm logo2
  • deep learning ai
  • AWS
  • image 220
  • duke logo
  • Fractal-Logo-WithBL
  • Scrimba

Comprehensive GenAI education for students, faculty, and staff

genai for students2

Generative AI for Students

Enhance employability, equipping students with the technological proficiency needed to navigate and succeed in an AI-driven future.

genai for faculty

Generative AI for Faculty

Enable faculty to deliver enriched, in-demand lessons, improving teaching effectiveness and positively impacting student outcomes.

gen ai for staff

Generative AI for Staff

Boost staff productivity and efficiency by streamlining operations.

Advance student outcomes through GenAI proficiency

  • Help students build in-demand GenAI skills: Meet the growing demand for AI expertise while equipping students to thrive in a rapidly evolving job market.
  • Instill ethical GenAI usage in students: Foster responsible decision-making by building ethical foundations around the risks and opportunities inherent in GenAI.
  • Attract students by offering cutting-edge courses: Deliver innovative courses to meet the needs of students who want to excel in dynamic and changing industries.
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    Enhance faculty productivity and teaching effectiveness with GenAI

    • Strengthen faculty expertise: Equip your faculty with GenAI skills to deliver future-oriented, impactful lessons.
    • Maximize institutional efficiency: Streamline administrative operations by understanding and applying GenAI.
    • Empower staff development: Enhance professional growth by enabling your staff to master and apply GenAI techniques.
    Faculty Productivity and Teaching Effectiveness

    Enrich learning experiences at scale

    Empower faculty, enhance learning, and uphold academic integrity with innovative AI features.

    Course Builder

    Empower your faculty with time-saving authoring tools that keep your course materials relevant and up-to-date with Course Builder.

    Lightbulb icon

    AI-powered Coach

    Help your students study more effectively with AI-powered learning assistance that’s tailored to their unique needs.

    Team Icon

    Academic integrity at scale

    Use AI-assisted academic integrity tools to foster authentic learning, uphold excellence, and improve assessments.

    Dr Chaowalit Limmaneevichitr

    Our vision is for our community of students and staff to actively engage with all of this fantastic GenAI content to the point that they can comfortably and competently use generative AI to work and learn more productively; and for graduates to apply the knowledge and skills in their future careers.

    King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
    Dr. Chaowalit Limmaneevichitr
    Vice President for Student & Learner Development, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi
    King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

    Make GenAI your institutional advantage with Coursera’s GenAI Academy

    Empower students, faculty, and staff with skills that:

    • Elevate student career prospects
    • Boost productivity among faculty and staff
    • Accelerate institutional efficiency
    • Encourage responsible GenAI usage