Help your students build job-ready skills

Enhance learning outcomes with Guided Projects, hands-on tutorials designed to help students learn and practice new skills using the latest industry tools and technologies.

  • Complement your curriculum with task-based learning
  • Equip students with step-by-step guidance
  • Empower faculty to create their own hands-on projects
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Applied learning can be 45% more effective than theoretical learning alone

Increase proficiency in common workplace technologies

Students will learn how to use tools they’re likely to encounter on the job, like Power BI, Docker, and Jira.

Practice your skills in Microsoft Excel, Tableau, Power BI and more by trying one of our hands-on, interactive data and analytics projects. By taking one of these projects, you’ll be working in a pre-configured environment where you follow the instructions in real-time. No download or setup required.

Contact us to help build job-ready skills
Guided Projects: Data & Analytics image

Applied learning

Develop skills using a short, task-based approach

Guided Projects teach students techniques and best practices for solving real-world problems with step-by-step guidance.

Illustration of Coursera’s guided projects

Course builder

Create your own Guided Projects

Empower your faculty to design hands-on tutorials aligned to your curriculum and blend privately authored content with Guided Projects from the public Coursera catalog.

private authoring c4c gp
Mark W Boise state

The high-quality foundational learning our students receive through Coursera gives them the hands-on skills to enter industries that might otherwise have seemed unattainable.

Boise State Logo
Mark W.
CI+D Clinical Assistant Professor and Program Director, Boise State University
Boise State University

Get learners job-ready with applied learning

Give students the opportunity to quickly gain industry-relevant skills and highlight their proficiency to employers.