
Advancing Higher Education with Industry Micro-Credentials

Global research report

As an institution, you know how important it is to prepare students for the demands of the working world. At a time when students report being 76% more likely to enroll in a degree program that offers industry micro-credentials like Professional Certificates from Coursera, it’s all the more critical to integrate such micro-credentials into your curriculum.

Professional Certificates from Coursera are one of the most popular industry micro-credentials among both students and employers across the globe, according to new research conducted by Coursera in Advancing Higher Education with Micro-Credentials.

Get the full report to explore key insights for institution leaders, including:

  • How Professional Certificates connect directly to employment outcomes
  • How Professional Certificates complement degree programs
  • How you can drive student retention, career outcomes, and new revenue streams by offering Professional Certificates

This in-depth report reveals the value of Professional Certificates in enhancing higher education, drawing on insights from nearly 5,000 students and employers in 11 countries: Australia, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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