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University of Maryland, College Park

Digital Marketing 2

Arifa Garman

Dozent: Arifa Garman

Verschaffen Sie sich einen Einblick in ein Thema und lernen Sie die Grundlagen.
Stufe Mittel

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 17 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 5 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen
Verschaffen Sie sich einen Einblick in ein Thema und lernen Sie die Grundlagen.
Stufe Mittel

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 17 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 5 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen

Wichtige Details

Erwerben Sie ein Karrierezertifikat.

Zu Ihrem LinkedIn-Profil hinzufügen


7 Aufgaben

Unterrichtet in Englisch

Erfahren Sie, wie Mitarbeiter führender Unternehmen gefragte Kompetenzen erwerben.


Erwerben Sie ein Karrierezertifikat.

Fügen Sie diese Qualifikation zur Ihrem LinkedIn-Profil oder Ihrem Lebenslauf hinzu.

Teilen Sie es in den sozialen Medien und in Ihrer Leistungsbeurteilung.


In diesem Kurs gibt es 4 Module

Welcome to Week 1 of your course. Each week will have a similar format. The weekly page will first provide an overview of the content we will cover. As you work your way down the page, you will see that the content is divided into sections. Navigate through each lesson on the page to complete the assigned work. Work your way through each item in the lessons to watch videos, read assigned articles, participate in discussions, and complete assignments. You should expect to spend at least 30-minutes in total watching seven short videos. In addition to the videos and readings, you will have practice questions, a few activities, and a scenario at the end of the week. These activities and scenarios are essential to helping you learn and apply the skills you will need to demonstrate and master Digital Marketing Analytics.

Das ist alles enthalten

7 Videos12 Lektüren2 Aufgaben2 Diskussionsthemen

Welcome to Week 2! Many managerial decisions are made based on professional knowledge and intuition, but often this knowledge is not sufficient enough to make the optimal decision. That's where testing comes in. Next, we will talk about Recommendation Systems. You may not realize it, but your internet experience is defined by recommendation systems. From music, games, videos, films, and what to buy, recommendation systems predict your preferences to suggest products or services that are likely to be of interest to you.

Das ist alles enthalten

5 Videos9 Lektüren1 Aufgabe2 Diskussionsthemen

Welcome to Week 3! In this Week, we’re going to introduce machine learning and the paradigm shift driven by digital, social, and mobile marketing. We will also look at how marketers use rich data and enhanced analytical capacity to move from qualitative to quantitative analytical data to better understand and market to consumers. You should expect to spend at least 30-minutes in total watching five short videos. In addition to the videos and readings, you will have practice questions, a few activities, and a scenario at the end of the module. These activities and scenarios are essential to help you learn and apply the skills you will need to demonstrate and master Digital Marketing Analytics.

Das ist alles enthalten

5 Videos10 Lektüren1 Aufgabe2 Diskussionsthemen

Welcome to Week 4! In this Week, we’re going to introduce Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. We'll also look at how marketers use rich data and enhanced analytical capacity to move from qualitative to quantitative analytical data, from data to big data, and from machine learning to deep learning AI to better understand and market to consumers. You should expect to spend at least 30-minutes in total watching five short videos. In addition to the videos and readings, you will have practice questions, a few activities, and a scenario at the end of the module. These activities and scenarios are essential to help you learn and apply the skills you will need to demonstrate to master Digital Marketing Analytics.

Das ist alles enthalten

5 Videos9 Lektüren3 Aufgaben2 Diskussionsthemen


Arifa Garman
University of Maryland, College Park
1 Kurs11 Lernende


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