Illinois Tech
A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass

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Illinois Tech

A Comprehensive Excel Masterclass

Unterrichtet auf Englisch

6.274 bereits angemeldet


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(29 Bewertungen)

Stufe Mittel

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 74 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 24 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen
Machen Sie Fortschritte bei einem Abschluss.

Kompetenzen, die Sie erwerben

  • Kategorie: Microsoft Excel
  • Kategorie: Excel Financial Functions
  • Kategorie: Dashboard Design
  • Kategorie: Advanced Excel Functions

Wichtige Details

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24 Aufgaben

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In diesem Kurs gibt es 4 Module

Welcome to Mastering Excel Essentials to Enhance Business Value! In this module, you'll delve into the core concept of Time Value of Money (TVM) and its pivotal role in financial decision-making. Using Excel, you'll learn to visualize cash flows, calculate present and future values, differentiate between interest types, evaluate projects, and perform loan-related calculations. We'll explore Capital Budgeting, Equivalent Annual Worth, IRR, and incremental analysis techniques for project comparison, equipping you with essential skills to make informed financial decisions. Whether you're an investor, loan manager, or planning for your retirement, this module will empower you to excel in financial analysis and decision-making using Excel's powerful tools.

Das ist alles enthalten

26 Videos18 Lektüren10 Aufgaben1 Diskussionsthema

Welcome to Module 2! This module covers a wide array of topics from basic to advanced. You will learn not just how to set up and customize pivot tables in both Excel and Google Sheets, but also delve deep into understanding field settings, aggregation methods, layout options, and more to bring your data analysis to the next level. We'll also explore Office 365/Google Sheets' latest functions, like FILTER, SORT, UNIQUE, and dynamic arrays, equipping you with the skills to handle complex data sets efficiently. By the end of this module, you'll be able to create dynamic reports and dashboards that offer profound insights into your data, thus enhancing your decision-making capabilities.

Das ist alles enthalten

24 Videos17 Lektüren8 Aufgaben

Welcome to Module 3! In today's data-driven world, the ability to create dashboards that are both interactive and informative is absolutely crucial for effective data analysis and decision-making. In this module, we'll dive deep into the art of dashboard design, focusing on the practical application of our lessons. You'll learn how to leverage Excel's Form Controls to build dynamic and user-friendly dashboards without the need for VBA programming. But this module is about much more than Excel functions. It's about mastering the design principles that make dashboards meaningful and effective. You'll discover how to craft displays of quantitative data that facilitate managerial decision-making. We'll explore essential theories, concepts, and methodologies to visualize and analyze real-world data. From mastering data retrieval techniques with INDEX to exploring ways to create dynamic charts, this module is designed to transform you into an adept dashboard designer, capable of synthesizing and visualizing complex data in an easily digestible format.

Das ist alles enthalten

38 Videos18 Lektüren5 Aufgaben

This module contains the summative course assessment that has been designed to evaluate your understanding of the course material and assess your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired throughout the course. Be sure to review the course material thoroughly before taking the assessment.

Das ist alles enthalten

1 Aufgabe


4.5 (11 Bewertungen)
Liz Durango-Cohen
Illinois Tech
2 Kurse8.306 Lernende


Illinois Tech

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Felipe M.
Lernender seit 2018
„Es ist eine großartige Erfahrung, in meinem eigenen Tempo zu lernen. Ich kann lernen, wenn ich Zeit und Nerven dazu habe.“
Jennifer J.
Lernender seit 2020
„Bei einem spannenden neuen Projekt konnte ich die neuen Kenntnisse und Kompetenzen aus den Kursen direkt bei der Arbeit anwenden.“
Larry W.
Lernender seit 2021
„Wenn mir Kurse zu Themen fehlen, die meine Universität nicht anbietet, ist Coursera mit die beste Alternative.“
Chaitanya A.
„Man lernt nicht nur, um bei der Arbeit besser zu werden. Es geht noch um viel mehr. Bei Coursera kann ich ohne Grenzen lernen.“

Bewertungen von Lernenden

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    80 %

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    16,66 %

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    0 %

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    3,33 %

  • 1 star

    0 %


Geprüft am 14. Aug. 2024


Geprüft am 31. Aug. 2024


Geprüft am 27. Feb. 2024


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