Illinois Tech
Relational Database Design

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Illinois Tech

Relational Database Design

Unterrichtet auf Englisch


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Gerald Balekaki
Yousef Elmehdwi

Dozenten: Gerald Balekaki

Stufe Anfänger

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 47 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 15 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen
Machen Sie Fortschritte bei einem Abschluss.

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Describe the process and the design aspects involved in relational database design.

  • Develop entity-relationship diagrams using basic and extended Entity-relationship features in relational design.

  • Identify and apply normalization techniques.

Kompetenzen, die Sie erwerben

  • Kategorie: Database (DB) Design
  • Kategorie: Normalization of database tables
  • Kategorie: Entity-relationship modeling
  • Kategorie: Relational Schema design
  • Kategorie: Data integrity and constraints

Wichtige Details

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18 Quizzes, 10 Aufgaben

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In diesem Kurs gibt es 4 Module

Welcome to Relational Database Design! This course expounds upon the concepts covered in the course, Introduction to Relational Database, where you learned the fundamentals. In this course, you will focus on the design aspects of databases and explore practical examples to help you apply the concepts to real world scenarios. To help you concentrate on effective design, this course will be more theoretical and conceptual. You will not actually build the databases with software applications. You will do that in the course, Relational Database: Implementation and Applications. Sounds exciting, right? Let's begin with an overview of database design covering three main lessons: 1) Entity-Relationship (E-R) modeling, 2) E-R diagrams, and 3) Extended ER features and relation schemas. Please review the module learning objectives below and refer them as a guide for your learning.

Das ist alles enthalten

4 Videos19 Lektüren7 Quizzes4 Aufgaben1 Diskussionsthema

This module explores the theory and practical application of functional dependencies in relational database design, providing students with the knowledge and skills to identify and enforce data relationships, ensuring data integrity and optimization in database systems. This module is organized into three lessons: 1) Functional dependency theory, 2) Finding candidate keys and attribute closure, and 3) Deriving canonical (minimal) covers of functional dependencies. The learning objectives of this module are presented below. Please refer to the enrichment activities at the end of each lesson.

Das ist alles enthalten

3 Videos7 Lektüren6 Quizzes3 Aufgaben

The database normalization module demonstrates the principles and techniques of organizing data into well-structured tables through normalization, ensuring data integrity and reducing redundancy for efficient and scalable database systems. This module is organized in three lessons: 1) Normal Forms (NFs), 2) more Normal forms, and 3) DB Design example (applying ER modeling + Normalization). The learning objectives of this module include are presented below. Refer to the enrichment activities at the end of each lesson.

Das ist alles enthalten

3 Videos10 Lektüren5 Quizzes2 Aufgaben1 peer review

This module contains the summative course assessment that has been designed to evaluate your understanding of the course material and assess your ability to apply the knowledge you have acquired throughout the course. Be sure to review the course material thoroughly before taking the assessment. A learning guide is also provided to help you prepare for the assessment. Please review prior to launching the assessment. You will only have one attempt to take it, so please plan accordingly. Best wishes to you for success!

Das ist alles enthalten

1 Aufgabe


Gerald Balekaki
Illinois Tech
3 Kurse2.524 Lernende


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