Johns Hopkins University
Ongoing U.S. Settler Colonialism & Native Peoples Teach-Out

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Johns Hopkins University

Ongoing U.S. Settler Colonialism & Native Peoples Teach-Out

Unterrichtet auf Englisch


Informieren Sie sich über ein Thema und erlernen Sie die Grundlagen.

Melissa Horner
Shannon Frattaroli, PhD, MPH

Dozenten: Melissa Horner

Stufe Anfänger
Keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich
Es dauert 9 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 3 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Develop a living understanding of ongoing settler colonialism in the U.S.

  • Analyze everyday forms of settler colonialism in your own life, work, and interests.

  • Describe Indigenous Peoples/Native Nations' robust presence.

  • Dream alongside others about anti-colonial futures.

Kompetenzen, die Sie erwerben

  • Kategorie: Social Theories
  • Kategorie: Relationship Building
  • Kategorie: Culture Transformation
  • Kategorie: Critical Reflection
  • Kategorie: Native American Studies

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In diesem Kurs gibt es 7 Module

Das ist alles enthalten

1 Video2 Lektüren

This module introduces the U.S. as a current settler colonial nation and guides participants in considering their own relationships (or lack thereof) with diverse and numerous Indigenous Peoples/Native Nations

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2 Videos1 Lektüre2 Diskussionsthemen2 Plug-ins

This module provides the first cornerstone in understanding ongoing settler colonialism—the attempt to eliminate Native Peoples. Additionally, this module showcases the enduring presence of Native Peoples despite settler colonialism's ongoing attempts of erasure.

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5 Videos4 Lektüren2 Diskussionsthemen2 Plug-ins

This module provides the second cornerstone in understanding ongoing settler colonialism—the imposition of property, ownership, and possession. Furthermore, this module highlights pre-colonial (which are also current), Indigenous approaches to land, knowledge, and more-than-human relatives that are not rooted in ownership and possession.

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4 Videos4 Lektüren4 Diskussionsthemen1 Plug-in

This module outlines the third cornerstone in understanding ongoing settler colonialism—the production of anti-relationality via the erasure, damage, and unavailability of certain kinds of relationships between people, land, ideas, cultures, and more-than-human relatives. This settler colonial anti-relationality prioritizes principles of individualism, human-centeredness, and ownership/property. Additionally, this module demonstrates the centrality of meaningful relationships in Indigenous worldviews and the importance of interconnection, care, responsibility, collectivity, consideration, and reciprocity.

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4 Videos3 Lektüren3 Diskussionsthemen4 Plug-ins

This module provides the fourth cornerstone in understanding ongoing settler colonialism—the naturalization (making it seem typical and unremarkable to all people in the U.S.) to have limited life options. Specifically, settler colonialism socializes individuals, families, and groups of people into assuming there are only certain settler colonial-approved ways—often singular, binary, or on a narrow spectrum—to learn, pray, create a family, love, participate economically, rest, eat, organize time, dress, govern, birth, die, attend to health, work, generate/share knowledge, be in relationships, conduct research, and so much more. Furthermore, this module highlights the expansive possibilities that exist for social configurations, governing, worldviews, and more that Indigenous knowledges and futures show us.

Das ist alles enthalten

4 Videos7 Lektüren2 Diskussionsthemen1 Plug-in


Das ist alles enthalten

1 Video1 Lektüre


Melissa Horner
Johns Hopkins University
1 Kurs685 Lernende
Shannon Frattaroli, PhD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University
7 Kurse10.086 Lernende


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