Comprehensive Automation and Continuous Integration

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Comprehensive Automation and Continuous Integration


Dozent: Packt

Bei Coursera Plus enthalten

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Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 15 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 5 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
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Verschaffen Sie sich einen Einblick in ein Thema und lernen Sie die Grundlagen.
Stufe Mittel

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 15 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 5 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Describe WebDriver Event Listeners and explain the setup and use of Selenium Grid for cross-browser testing.

  • Manage and automate builds with Maven, integrating it with TestNG, and utilize Git and GitHub for version control and collaboration.

  • Set up and manage Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery, understanding and evaluating its role in the CI/CD pipeline.

  • Execute database and performance testing, integrate with Sauce Labs for cloud-based solutions, and generate advanced reports.

Kompetenzen, die Sie erwerben

  • Kategorie: Selenium Grid
  • Kategorie: Maven project
  • Kategorie: Git version control
  • Kategorie: Continuous Integration
  • Kategorie: cross-browser testing

Wichtige Details

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September 2024


7 Aufgaben

Unterrichtet in Englisch

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Dieser Kurs ist Teil der Spezialisierung Spezialisierung Selenium WebDriver 4 with Java - Zero To Hero
Wenn Sie sich für diesen Kurs anmelden, werden Sie auch für diese Spezialisierung angemeldet.
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  • Gewinnen Sie ein Grundverständnis bestimmter Themen oder Tools
  • Erwerben Sie berufsrelevante Kompetenzen durch praktische Projekte
  • Erwerben Sie ein Berufszertifikat zur Vorlage

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In diesem Kurs gibt es 16 Module

In this module, we will introduce the WebDriver Event Listener, explaining its concept and functionality. Through a two-part series, you will learn how to implement and use WebDriver Event Listener to track and log WebDriver events, thereby enhancing the debugging and reporting capabilities of your automation scripts.

Das ist alles enthalten

2 Videos2 Lektüren

In this module, we will cover cross-browser testing using Selenium Grid 2.0. You will learn about Selenium Grid, how to configure the hub and nodes, set up grid configurations using JSON files, and run test cases in a grid environment. Real-time examples will help you understand the practical applications of Selenium Grid for efficient cross-browser testing.

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7 Videos

In this module, we will delve into build management with Maven. You will learn about its features, how to create and import Maven projects, understand its repositories, and the significance of the POM file. Additionally, you will explore Maven's build lifecycle, project migration, TestNG integration, and how to find TestNG reports within Maven projects.

Das ist alles enthalten

8 Videos1 Aufgabe

In this module, we will explore Git and GitHub as version control systems. You will learn how to install Git, create local repositories, stage and commit changes, and check in files to GitHub. We will also cover the importance of Git branches, resolving merge conflicts, and provide access to course code files on GitHub for hands-on practice.

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8 Videos

In this module, we will delve into continuous integration with Jenkins. You will learn about its features, installation prerequisites, and how to set up Jenkins on various platforms. We will cover Java and Maven configuration, securing Jenkins, managing plug-ins, building projects, and scheduling builds on a Git repository.

Das ist alles enthalten

11 Videos

In this module, we will focus on preparing for Selenium WebDriver interviews. Through a two-part video series, you will learn about common interview questions, effective strategies to answer them, and understand key concepts and scenarios frequently discussed in interviews, boosting your confidence and readiness.

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2 Videos1 Aufgabe

In this module, we will cover database testing with Selenium WebDriver. You will learn how to test MySQL, Oracle, and MongoDB databases, implementing these techniques in practical scenarios to ensure robust and comprehensive database testing.

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2 Videos

In this module, we will introduce performance testing methods. You will learn about system-level performance testing and how to implement it using a stopwatch. These techniques will help you apply performance testing to real-world scenarios, ensuring your applications meet performance requirements.

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2 Videos

In this module, we will cover Sauce Labs integration for cross-browser testing. You will learn about Sauce Labs, how to obtain the access key, and execute test cases using Sauce Labs, enhancing your test automation capabilities with cloud-based testing.

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3 Videos1 Aufgabe

In this module, we will introduce the basics of Selenium IDE and WebDriver. You will learn how to install Selenium IDE, write your first script, generate WebDriver code, and understand the differences between assert and verify commands, laying the groundwork for effective test automation.

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3 Videos

In this module, we will cover conditional statements and loops in Java. You will learn about if-else conditions, switch statements, and how to implement while and for loops, providing the foundational control structures needed for effective programming.

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4 Videos

In this module, we will explore the concept of the static keyword in Java. Through a two-part series, you will learn how to implement static variables and methods, and see practical examples that illustrate its use in Java programming.

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2 Videos1 Aufgabe

In this module, we will provide practice exercises and interview questions focusing on string manipulation, conditional statements, and loops. You will learn how to reverse characters in a string and analyze solutions, enhancing your coding skills and preparing you for technical interviews.

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3 Videos

In this module, we will cover key object-oriented programming concepts in Java. You will learn about inheritance, access modifiers, encapsulation, abstraction through abstract classes and interfaces, and method overloading and overriding, providing a solid understanding of OOP principles in Java.

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7 Videos1 Aufgabe

In this module, we will explore handling exceptions in Java. You will learn how to manage checked and runtime exceptions, read properties files, and implement exception handling in practical scenarios, ensuring robust and error-resistant Java applications.

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3 Videos

In this module, we will delve into the Java Collections Framework. You will learn how to work with ArrayList and LinkedList, understand their differences, and implement sets and maps, enhancing your ability to manage and manipulate data efficiently in Java.

Das ist alles enthalten

6 Videos1 Lektüre2 Aufgaben


278 Kurse5.077 Lernende



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„Es ist eine großartige Erfahrung, in meinem eigenen Tempo zu lernen. Ich kann lernen, wenn ich Zeit und Nerven dazu habe.“
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