Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Urban Landscapes of Care - Designing child friendly cities

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Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas

Urban Landscapes of Care - Designing child friendly cities

Unterrichtet auf Englisch


Informieren Sie sich über ein Thema und erlernen Sie die Grundlagen.

Hannah Klug
José Cepero Saravia
Walter JP Soto Barrenechea

Dozenten: Hannah Klug

Stufe Mittel

Empfohlene Erfahrung

Es dauert 35 Stunden
3 Wochen bei 11 Stunden pro Woche
Flexibler Zeitplan
In Ihrem eigenen Lerntempo lernen

Was Sie lernen werden

  • Identify your intrinsic motivators and determine a focus area to start your social change journey

  • Explore and apply design thinking as a tool to enact social change in your community

  • Deliver a tangible, actionable plan to make a difference in yourself, your community and to the greater movement for social change

  • Expand your social change network, and reflect on and assess strengths and weaknesses in your skillset to enhance your social change journey

Kompetenzen, die Sie erwerben

  • Kategorie: Critical Spatial Practice
  • Kategorie: Design for Care
  • Kategorie: Inclusive Urban Development
  • Kategorie: Child-friendly Design
  • Kategorie: Public Space Design

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Juni 2024


16 Aufgaben

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In diesem Kurs gibt es 7 Module

Welcome to the first Module of the MOOC “Urban Landscapes of Care - Thinking and designing child-friendly cities”! In this first week, we will give you a short introduction to the course and its challenge involved: to improve our cities for small children and their caregivers through the design and development of an Urban Landscape of Care. To begin, we will learn about experiential urban analysis methods and how to apply them during an exploratory walk through the city. With that tool, we can gain a more empathetic and inclusive perspective towards the urban environment in which we live and work. The first practical exercise will be the start of the project we will develop throughout the course. We will also discuss the diversity of our cities, the different actors and social groups inhabiting the territory, their needs, dreams, and finally their relationship with the built environment.

Das ist alles enthalten

9 Videos8 Lektüren2 Aufgaben3 Diskussionsthemen4 Plug-ins

Welcome to the second week of our MOOC! The second module will be divided into three main topics; the composed city, the public city, and the city that cares which will be summarized in a final reflection that interpellates the questions on: What is it that composes our cities? What does public space mean? What defines a good public space? What is the difference between public space, urban environment, and an urban landscape? What is an"Urban Landscape of Care"? and, Who requires an urban landscape of care and why? All those questions we will tackle in this second Module of the MOOC "Urban Landscapes of Care".

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5 Videos4 Lektüren3 Aufgaben4 Diskussionsthemen2 Plug-ins

In this third week of the course, we will learn about early childhood development and its relation with the urban space based on the experience of young children. Also, we will show the importance that early years have for brain development and cognitive abilities. Based on these concepts we will understand the city as a learning platform that has to answer to their expectations and needs.

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5 Videos3 Lektüren5 Aufgaben2 Diskussionsthemen1 Plug-in

In the fourth week of this course, we will learn about the characteristics, elements and design strategies for an Urban Landscape of Care for small children and their caregivers. This will include design principles, stakeholders identification, and how the interaction between the small child and an Urban Landscape of Care can contribute to child development. s the Internet has had on the world.

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7 Videos3 Lektüren2 Aufgaben1 peer review2 Diskussionsthemen1 Plug-in

In the fifth week of the course, we will learn about the design tools we can apply in the development of an Urban Landscape of Care. Apart we will reflect and learn about the role and stages of community engagement work that can accompany the design process. As well, you will explore different participatory tools that can help you to engage with your community. Finally, we will discuss the strategies and possibilities to make our projects sustainable in time.

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5 Videos7 Lektüren3 Aufgaben4 Diskussionsthemen4 Plug-ins

Welcome to the sixth week of the MOOC "Urban Landscapes of Care - Thinking and designing child-friendly cities". In this module, we will learn about the importance of communicating our projects – graphically and through an inspiring presentation. Therefore we will explore a series of tools to represent graphically and communicate the design of our Urban Landscape of Care. Apart from that, we will talk about the steps that follow the design phase of our project, such as the management of time, stakeholders and the available resources.In the process, we will raise the following questions: How do we communicate with all the stakeholders involved? How do we organize the implementation phase of our project? What resources do we have available and what others do we need to realize the project? Finally, this module gives us the opportunity to reflect on the phenomenon of "between control and uncertainty" and how we as planners can respond to these particular moments within a project. As a result of this week we will elaborate the implementation roadmap for the Urban Landscape of Care we are developing in this course. Enjoy!

Das ist alles enthalten

6 Videos3 Lektüren1 peer review6 Diskussionsthemen1 Plug-in

Welcome to our last module of the MOOC “Urban Landscapes of Care - Thinking and designing child-friendly cities”! In this last module of the course we will learn about how to close the cycle of a project - in Module 5 we called it the “transformation cycle”. In that sense we will talk about impact measuring tools and the possible steps of rethinking, re-planning, replicating or up-scaling our projects. Further we will evaluate our learning process within the whole course. We will travel in time and review the milestones of the MOOC. And finally we will come to our very last reflection of the course: If we are able to develop urban landscapes of care for young children and their caregivers at a small neighborhood scale, is it possible that also our cities become urban landscapes of care? What would they look like? Could this vision give us a perspective on how to plan and build our future cities and neighborhoods as safe, inclusive and stimulating spaces not only for young children, but for everybody?Join the discussion. We hope you enjoy the last module of the course!

Das ist alles enthalten

3 Videos3 Lektüren1 Aufgabe2 Plug-ins


Hannah Klug
2 Kurse1.264 Lernende
José Cepero Saravia
2 Kurse1.264 Lernende
Walter JP Soto Barrenechea
2 Kurse1.264 Lernende


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