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Explorez le catalogue de cours Google sur Coursera
Compétences que vous acquerrez: SQL
Google Cloud
Compétences que vous acquerrez: Cloud API
- Statut : Gratuit
Google Cloud
Google Cloud
Compétences que vous acquerrez: Cloud Storage
- Statut : Gratuit
Google AR & VR
Compétences que vous acquerrez: Computer Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, Mobile Development, User Experience, Virtual Reality, Computer Graphic Techniques, Design and Product, Interactive Design, User Experience Design, Visual Design
O.P. Jindal Global University
Google Cloud
Compétences que vous acquerrez: Cloud Storage, Data Analysis Software
Google Cloud
En résumé, voici 10 de nos cours les plus populaires sur google .
- Exploring the Public Cryptocurrency Datasets Available in BigQuery: Google Cloud
- Dialogflow CX: Bot Building Basics: Google Cloud
- Build, Train and Deploy ML Models with Keras on Google Cloud - Italiano: Google Cloud
- Introduction to Large Language Models - Español: Google Cloud
- SAP Landing Zone: Plan and Deploy the SAP Network: Google Cloud
- Performance and Cost Optimization with BigQuery: Google Cloud
- Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore: Google AR & VR
- Digital Marketing Analytics: O.P. Jindal Global University
- Building Demand Forecasting with BigQuery ML: Google Cloud
- Managing Threat Intelligence with Cortex XSOAR: Google Cloud