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University of California San Diego

Algorithms on Graphs

Neil Rhodes
Daniel M Kane
Michael Levin

Instructeurs : Neil Rhodes

119 186 déjà inscrits

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niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
Planning flexible
Env. 54 heures
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.

(2,259 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
Planning flexible
Env. 54 heures
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Graph Theory
  • Catégorie : Graphs
  • Catégorie : Graph Algorithms

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Ce cours fait partie de la Spécialisation Data Structures and Algorithms
Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à ce cours, vous êtes également inscrit(e) à cette Spécialisation.
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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

Graphs arise in various real-world situations as there are road networks, computer networks and, most recently, social networks! If you're looking for the fastest time to get to work, cheapest way to connect set of computers into a network or efficient algorithm to automatically find communities and opinion leaders hot in Facebook, you're going to work with graphs and algorithms on graphs. In this module, you will learn ways to represent a graph as well as basic algorithms for decomposing graphs into parts. In the programming assignment of this module, you will apply the algorithms that you’ve learned to implement efficient programs for exploring mazes, analyzing Computer Science curriculum, and analyzing road networks. In the first week of the module, we focus on undirected graphs.


5 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir de programmation

This week we continue to study graph decomposition algorithms, but now for directed graphs.


4 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir de programmation

In this module you will study algorithms for finding Shortest Paths in Graphs. These algorithms have lots of applications. When you launch a navigation app on your smartphone like Google Maps or Yandex.Navi, it uses these algorithms to find you the fastest route from work to home, from home to school, etc. When you search for airplane tickets, these algorithms are used to find a route with the minimum number of plane changes. Unexpectedly, these algorithms can also be used to determine the optimal way to do currency exchange, sometimes allowing to earh huge profit! We will cover all these applications, and you will learn Breadth-First Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm and Bellman-Ford Algorithm. These algorithms are efficient and lay the foundation for even more efficient algorithms which you will learn and implement in the Shortest Paths Capstone Project to find best routes on real maps of cities and countries, find distances between people in Social Networks. In the end you will be able to find Shortest Paths efficiently in any Graph. This week we will study Breadth-First Search algorithm.


8 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir de programmation

This week we continue to study Shortest Paths in Graphs. You will learn Dijkstra's Algorithm which can be applied to find the shortest route home from work. You will also learn Bellman-Ford's algorithm which can unexpectedly be applied to choose the optimal way of exchanging currencies. By the end you will be able to find shortest paths efficiently in any Graph.


13 vidéos2 lectures1 devoir de programmation

In this module, we study the minimum spanning tree problem. We will cover two elegant greedy algorithms for this problem: the first one is due to Kruskal and uses the disjoint sets data structure, the second one is due to Prim and uses the priority queue data structure. In the programming assignment for this module you will be computing an optimal way of building roads between cities and an optimal way of partitioning a given set of objects into clusters (a fundamental problem in data mining).


5 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir de programmation

In this module, you will learn Advanced Shortest Paths algorithms that work in practice 1000s (up to 25000) of times faster than the classical Dijkstra's algorithm on real-world road networks and social networks graphs. You will work on a Programming Project based on these algorithms. You will find the shortest paths on the real maps of parts of US and the shortest paths connecting people in the social networks. We encourage you not only to use the ideas from this module's lectures in your implementations, but also to come up with your own ideas for speeding up the algorithm! We encourage you to compete on the forums to see whose implementation is the fastest one :)


17 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir1 devoir de programmation


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.5 (176 évaluations)
Neil Rhodes
University of California San Diego
7 Cours705 901 apprenants
Daniel M Kane
University of California San Diego
5 Cours688 279 apprenants
Michael Levin
University of California San Diego
7 Cours726 643 apprenants

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Avis des étudiants

Affichage de 3 sur 2259


2 259 avis

  • 5 stars

    79,44 %

  • 4 stars

    16,57 %

  • 3 stars

    2,60 %

  • 2 stars

    0,79 %

  • 1 star

    0,57 %


Révisé le 15 avr. 2021


Révisé le 28 mars 2020


Révisé le 27 févr. 2017

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