Rice University

America Through Foreign Eyes

Dr. Julie Fette
Dr. Anne S. Chao
Dr. Jeffrey Fleisher

Instructeurs : Dr. Julie Fette

18 492 déjà inscrits

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(392 avis)

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Env. 34 heures
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La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.

(392 avis)

niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
Planning flexible
Env. 34 heures
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours

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16 devoirs

Enseigné en Anglais

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Il y a 7 modules dans ce cours

The United States has always been a source of fascination – both attraction and repulsion – for Africans, Chinese, French, Mexicans, and Russians, as well as for many other people from other countries and regions. "America through Foreign Eyes" is an interdisciplinary, international course that features Rice faculty from a variety of disciplines and area studies. Focused on perceptions of America abroad, the course is a cross between World Cultures and American Studies.The course features five modules, each covering the perceptions and interactions of a particular regions of the world with America, Americans, and Americanization. An introductory module offers ways to approach cross-cultural study and a concluding module "reverses the gaze" and analyze what Americans said, thought, or perceived of African nations or Africa as a continent, of China, France, Mexico, and Russia.


4 vidéos5 lectures1 devoir2 sujets de discussion

The United States has always been a source of fascination for Africans. African observers and travelers are rarely indifferent to American culture and people. This module, “America Through African Eyes,” examines historical and contemporary perceptions of America, Americans, and Americanization through the lens of African writers, politicians, intellectuals, refugees, and local citizens. Taught by Dr. Jeffrey Fleisher, a professor of Archeology, this module will cover the four themes of the course: Democracy and Modernity; Globalization and Capitalism; Racism and Immigration; and Intellectual and Cultural Life.


9 vidéos10 lectures3 devoirs3 sujets de discussion

The United States has always been a source of fascination for the people of China. Chinese observers and travelers are rarely indifferent to American culture and people. This module, “America Through Chinese Eyes,” examines historical and contemporary perceptions of America, Americans, and Americanization through the lens of Chinese writers, artists, politicians, intellectuals, and public opinion. Taught by Dr. Anne Chao, a professor of History, this module will cover the four themes of the course: Democracy and Modernity; Globalization and Capitalism; Racism and Immigration; and Intellectual and Cultural Life.


15 vidéos12 lectures3 devoirs3 sujets de discussion

The United States has always been a source of fascination for the people of France. French observers and travelers are rarely indifferent to American culture and people. This module, “America Through French Eyes,” examines historical and contemporary perceptions of America, Americans, and Americanization through the lens of French writers, artists, politicians, intellectuals, and public opinion. Taught by Dr. Julie Fette, a professor of French Studies, this module will cover the four themes of the course: Democracy and Modernity; Globalization and Capitalism; Racism and Immigration; and Intellectual and Cultural Life.


16 vidéos12 lectures3 devoirs3 sujets de discussion

The United States has always been a source of fascination for the people of Mexico. Mexican observers and travelers are rarely indifferent to American culture and people. This module, “ America Through Mexican Eyes,” examines historical and contemporary perceptions of America, Americans, and Americanization through the lens of Mexican writers, artists, politicians, intellectuals, and public opinion. Taught by Dr. Moramay López-Alonso, a professor of History, this module will cover the four themes of the course: Democracy and Modernity; Globalization and Capitalism; Racism and Immigration; and Intellectual and Cultural Life.


11 vidéos12 lectures3 devoirs3 sujets de discussion

The United States has always been a source of fascination for the people of Russia. Russian observers and travelers are rarely indifferent to American culture and people. This module, “America Through Russian Eyes,” examines historical and contemporary perceptions of America, Americans, and Americanization through the lens of Russian writers, thinkers, and film makers. Taught by Dr. Lida Oukaderova, a professor of Art History, this module will cover the four themes of the course: Democracy and Modernity; Globalization and Capitalism; Racism and Immigration; and Intellectual and Cultural Life.


9 vidéos10 lectures3 devoirs3 sujets de discussion

This course has explored how the United States has been a source of fascination for African, Chinese, French, Mexican, and Russian people. What happens when we “reverse the gaze?” This module examines historical and contemporary perceptions of Africa, China, France, Mexico, and Russia through American eyes. Join all five instructors for informal conversations over a meal at various Houston restaurants about American perceptions of the world.


7 vidéos2 lectures3 sujets de discussion


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.8 (89 évaluations)
Dr. Julie Fette
Rice University
1 Cours18 492 apprenants
Dr. Anne S. Chao
Rice University
1 Cours18 492 apprenants
Dr. Jeffrey Fleisher
Rice University
1 Cours18 492 apprenants

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Rice University

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