Board Infinity
Building Services with ASP.NET Web API

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Board Infinity

Building Services with ASP.NET Web API

Enseigné en Anglais

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Board Infinity

Instructeur : Board Infinity


(10 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

22 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 7 heures par semaine
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Dive deep into C# programming, from foundational basics to advanced OOP principles, equipping you with robust software development skills.

  • Grasp SQL Server intricacies, from understanding relational database structures to optimizing performance through normalization techniques.

  • Master ASP.NET Web API, from comprehending RESTful service principles to serializing data in JSON and XML for versatile client consumption.

  • Learn to design scalable and maintainable APIs with ASP.NET Web API, understanding routing configurations, resource management, and error handling.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : SQL Server
  • Catégorie : C Sharp (C#) (Programming Language)
  • Catégorie :
  • Catégorie : Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Catégorie : Web API

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13 quizzes

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

The C# Programming Fundamentals module is designed to equip learners with a solid foundation in the syntax, concepts, and principles of C# programming language. The module covers various topics, starting with an introduction to the C# programming language, including its history and significance in modern software development. It then progresses to cover essential aspects of programming in C# such as data types and variables, including integer, floating-point, Boolean, and string types. The module also covers the use of arithmetic, logical, and comparison operators in C#, as well as expressions and their evaluation. Learners will also explore conditional statements, loops, and branching statements in C# to control program flow, as well as the basics of creating and calling methods and functions, including passing arguments and returning values.


25 vidéos6 lectures4 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

The Advanced C# Programming Fundamentals module is designed to provide learners with an in-depth understanding of advanced C# programming concepts and techniques. The module covers various topics, starting with an overview of advanced programming concepts such as LINQ, delegates, and events. It then progresses to cover advanced object-oriented programming principles such as inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation, as well as advanced techniques for working with classes and objects, such as extension methods, interfaces, and abstract classes. The module also covers advanced topics in exception handling, threading, and asynchronous programming, including how to create and work with asynchronous and parallel code.


19 vidéos4 lectures3 quizzes

SQL Server is a popular relational database management system used in many backend development projects. In the SQL Server for Backend Development module, Learners will learn how to design, implement, and maintain SQL Server databases for their applications. You will also gain an understanding of the underlying principles of database management and how to optimize performance. This module covers the basics of SQL Server, including database architecture, data types, normalization, and indexing. Students learn how to write SQL queries to retrieve and manipulate data, and they gain an understanding of how to use stored procedures, triggers, and functions to improve performance and maintain data integrity.


27 vidéos5 quizzes

ASP.NET Web API is a framework for building RESTful web services that can be consumed by a variety of clients, including web applications, mobile apps, and other services. In the ASP.NET Web API module, developers learn how to design, implement, and deploy web APIs using the ASP.NET framework. This module covers the basics of RESTful web services and HTTP protocol, and how they can be implemented in ASP.NET Web API. Students learn how to use attributes to define API endpoints and map HTTP requests to controller methods. They also gain an understanding of how to serialize and deserialize data using JSON and XML formats.


18 vidéos3 lectures1 quiz


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