L&T EduTech
Cutting-edge Technology in Air Conditioning System

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L&T EduTech

Cutting-edge Technology in Air Conditioning System

Subject Matter Expert

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Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : VRF Systems
  • Catégorie : Demand Control Ventilation

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juin 2024


2 devoirs


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Ce cours fait partie de la Spécialisation Design of Ventilation& Air conditioning System for Buildings
Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à ce cours, vous êtes également inscrit(e) à cette Spécialisation.
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Il y a 2 modules dans ce cours

Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) is a sophisticated HVAC strategy that revolutionizes indoor air quality and energy efficiency. This approach involves adjusting ventilation rates based on real-time occupancy and air quality indicators, ensuring optimal conditions while minimizing energy consumption. Compliance with codes and standards, such as ASHRAE Standard 62.1, is imperative to guarantee that DCV systems meet safety and efficiency requirements. Monitoring carbon dioxide (CO2) levels is a pivotal aspect of DCV, serving as a key indicator of indoor air quality. Elevated CO2 levels trigger increased ventilation, and DCV dynamically responds to maintain optimal CO2 levels, promoting occupant well-being. Designing ventilation rates entails considering factors like occupancy, space size, and application. DCV employs strategies like damper control and position modulation to efficiently meet ventilation demands. This adaptive approach can be applied to both Constant Air Volume (CAV) and Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems. In CAV systems, DCV modulates airflow based on occupancy and air quality data. In VAV systems, DCV adjusts air supply to match demand, optimizing energy conservation without compromising air quality.CO2 sensors, including types like nondispersive infrared (NDIR) sensors, are crucial components of DCV systems. Proper sensor placement in areas with representative air circulation ensures accurate readings, enhancing the system's effectiveness. Fans, with a rich historical evolution, are integral to HVAC, industrial processes, and electronics cooling. They come in various types, such as centrifugal and axial fans, each excelling in specific applications. Understanding fan terminologies like pressure, flow rate, speed, and efficiency is essential. The affinity laws govern fan performance changes, and control strategies optimize operation. Performance curves illustrate the relationships between airflow, pressure, and power consumption, contributing to effective and efficient HVAC solutions. In summary, the integration of Demand Control Ventilation and advanced fan systems is pivotal for achieving optimal indoor environments with a focus on sustainability and energy efficiency.


16 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir

Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) systems have emerged as a groundbreaking solution in the realm of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). Evolving from traditional HVAC systems, VRF systems offer a dynamic and energy-efficient approach to climate control. The journey of VRF systems began in the late 20th century, with continuous advancements shaping their evolution. This transition marked a pivotal shift, introducing features like individual zone control, energy efficiency, and adaptability to variable loads. The escalating demand for energy-efficient and flexible HVAC solutions in modern buildings underscores the need for VRF systems. Their capacity to provide simultaneous heating and cooling to different zones, coupled with precise temperature control, makes them a preferred choice for commercial, residential, and institutional applications. Designing a VRF system involves careful consideration of factors such as building size, occupancy patterns, and specific heating and cooling requirements for each zone. The selection process is crucial to ensuring optimal performance, energy efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. The connectivity or combination ratio in VRF systems, indicating the number of indoor units connected to a single outdoor unit, significantly influences overall system efficiency and must be carefully managed during the design phase. Key components, including outdoor units, indoor units, refrigerant piping, and controls, work seamlessly to ensure efficient heat transfer and precise temperature control in VRF systems. There are different types of VRF systems, such as heat pump and heat recovery systems, each catering to specific application needs. Salient features of VRF systems encompass individualized zone control, energy efficiency, quiet operation, and the ability to recover waste heat for sustainability. End-users reap benefits through personalized comfort control, energy savings, and a reduced environmental footprint. In conclusion, VRF systems represent a milestone in HVAC technology, offering innovative solutions that meet the demands of modern buildings for efficient and adaptable climate control.


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Subject Matter Expert
L&T EduTech
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