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Google Cloud

Deploying SAP on Google Cloud

Enseigné en Anglais

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Google Cloud Training

Instructeur : Google Cloud Training


(177 avis)

niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
4 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 1 heure par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Describe Google Cloud Services that are important to design robust, performant & resilient infrastructure for running SAP workloads on Google Cloud

  • Identify the guidelines and best practices for SAP deployments on Google Cloud

  • Describe the reference architectures for High Availability for SAP systems in Google Cloud.

  • Deploy an SAP HANA single-host, high-availability cluster

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6 quizzes

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Il y a 8 modules dans ce cours

This module provides a quick overview of the course


1 vidéo2 lectures

In this module, we will cover the key details and recommendations for SAP deployments including: Connectivity options between Google Cloud regions and a customer’s on-premises infrastructure. Networking in Google Cloud for SAP deployments. Cloud security, identity and access management. Services for automation of deployment and operations. Integration of SAP systems using apigee, and high level overview of innovation using SAP data, BigQuery and AI/ML.


6 vidéos1 quiz

In this module, we will look at the fundamental Google Cloud services and infrastructure components that are required to deploy SAP systems on Google Cloud, in a bit more detail. In any SAP journey to cloud, the most common starting point is migrating existing SAP systems to Google Cloud. So, we will start with Google Cloud services used for SAP migration. On the Cloud side, the first steps for any SAP system deployment is to setup virtual machines, disks and backup storage. We will discuss details about Google Cloud compute engine and storage infrastructure. Finally, we will wrap up with a brief discussion on monitoring SAP landscapes.


5 vidéos1 quiz

First we will walk you through basic architectures for SAP systems that can be deployed on Google Cloud. Next, we will look at the considerations for system sizing, instance type selection including SAP certifications. Moving on, you will also get some important guidelines for choosing the most suitable storage solutions based on your performance requirements.


6 vidéos1 quiz

SAP systems are often mission-critical to a customer’s business. Downtimes must be minimized because any downtime could directly impact the business in an adverse manner. So, designing SAP workloads for high availability and fastest possible recovery in case of a disaster is vital also when running the SAP systems on cloud-based infrastructure. This module on architecting SAP on Google Cloud focuses on High Availability reference architectures. First you will learn about the big-picture of High-Availability in the context of the SAP stack. Next, we will drill down into each of the layers in the SAP stack and highlight the best practices and reference architectures for Google Cloud. We will go from the Infrastructure layer, through the database layer and finally the application layer to discuss how HA can be achieved in each of these layers.


5 vidéos1 quiz

In this module we will talk about the disaster recovery reference architecture for SAP on Google Cloud. Then, we will discuss the backup strategies and options.


3 vidéos1 quiz

In this module we will look at how Bare Metal Solution from Google Cloud allows customers to mitigate against risk on their cloud journey and migrate at their own pace.


1 lecture1 quiz

The module provides a quick recap of the course


1 vidéo


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.5 (75 évaluations)
Google Cloud Training
Google Cloud
1 548 Cours2 678 283 apprenants

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