Northeastern University
Engaging in Service Innovation and Management

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Northeastern University

Engaging in Service Innovation and Management

Enseigné en Anglais


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niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

18 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 6 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Apply both organizational and individual attributes that will be needed to manage effective process improvement.

  • Analyze the importance of long-term commitment and resilience needed for effective management of organizational commitment.

  • Analyze the operational approaches to the execution of strategic plans and how it can be used effectively to achieve organizational goals.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Process Management
  • Catégorie : Decision-Making
  • Catégorie : Process Design
  • Catégorie : Leadership
  • Catégorie : Strategy Development

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36 quizzes

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

While developing plans for innovative healthcare services and processes, you'll find that true change can only take place when leaders are engaged and are able to define what success not only should look like but also how to measure that success. In this module, we will consider various aspects of measuring organizational change, from the role of consumers in measuring outcomes to the balance of efficiency and effectiveness in service. You will examine specific techniques, such as Value Stream Mapping, that inform the practical development and implementation of measurement in healthcare organizational design.


8 vidéos18 lectures10 quizzes3 sujets de discussion

The healthcare organization is routinely impacted by external factors such as governmental regulations, relationships with insurers and payers, and organizations throughout the wider community context. It is well-established that community and social factors such as financial status/stability, physical environment, education, and housing stability are powerful drivers of health status of patients even before they may seek medical care. This module will explore treatment and care delivery to disparate populations as it pertains to the design and evaluation of process improvement efforts, as well as other external factors that must be identified and accounted for in process improvement. Understanding and monitoring external factors will ensure that the healthcare organization remains competitive and is able to nimbly shift priorities as the external context evolves.


7 vidéos13 lectures9 quizzes1 évaluation par les pairs

In this module, we will examine the challenges in bringing about organizational change. Organizations are comprised of people, tools, and processes. Resistance to change existing processes and workflows in healthcare organization is a hurdle that leadership and management can address through effective communication, team building, and fostering a sense of trust and purpose. This module will explore those tactics, as well as provide insight and examples of challenges on the side of the patient or consumer receiving the healthcare services.


7 vidéos18 lectures9 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

As we near the end of this course, we will now look at the necessity of leadership throughout the change process. This is true regardless of the role the individual or the team members might have, especially as the future if healthcare delivery continues to change. We will explore three models of organizational archetypes of the future and review how future trends will impact leadership within healthcare organizations. With the increasing role of new technology and the role it will play, it is critical for organizations to adapt and change. In the future there will be certain obstacles and challenges leaders will face and need to overcome. These will require new roles, abilities, and attributes that successful leaders will need to have. Bottom line, leadership will play an important role in successful process innovations that can stand the test of time. 


7 vidéos11 lectures8 quizzes1 sujet de discussion


George “Russ” Moran
Northeastern University
4 Cours7 722 apprenants

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