Peking University
计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation

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Peking University

计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation

Jingsong Shawn Yu 俞敬松
Mr. Alex Han 韩林涛

Instructeurs : Jingsong Shawn Yu 俞敬松

11 638 déjà inscrits

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35 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 11 heures par semaine
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Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.

(77 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
35 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 11 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

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Il y a 14 modules dans ce cours

本单元我们将为您介绍课程的学习指南,帮助您了解课程的结构,有助于您制定自己的学习计划,达到更好的学习效果。This module introduces the guide of our course. You will know about the structure of this course and this may help make your own study plan.


6 vidéos

通过本单元的学习,您将了解新时代的语言服务行业的现状,了解翻译流程、翻译技术、相关辅助翻译工具,也可以更好的理解信息技术与翻译的关系。In this module, you will learn more about language service of new ages, the translation process, translation technology and some computer-aided translation tools. You will better understand the relationship between information technology and translation.


11 vidéos1 devoir

本单元,您将了解在翻译过程中使用到的互联网搜索引擎和学术数据库的相关知识,并且配有真实的翻译案例讲解,帮助大家更好的掌握以上知识。In this module, we're going to introduce the Internet services that can be used during the translation process, including search engines and multiple academic databases. There are also two special topics, which can help you how to use internet service and databases in translation process.


11 vidéos1 devoir

在本单元中,我们将学习基于语料库的翻译研究,对语料库的背景、语料库的发展历史、语料库的使用方法及其分类、优缺点会有较为详细的介绍,同时配有翻译案例视频,为大家演示如何借助语料库来进行翻译关键词验证。In this module, we're going to learn corpus-based translation. You will get better understanding of the background and history of corpus, its category, advantage and disadvantages, as well as how to use corpus in our translation process.


19 vidéos1 devoir

在本单元的学习中,您将学习到如何使用到电子词典和工具书来促进翻译实践。同时,您也会对Sketch Engine 语料库有更多的了解。In this module, we're going to learn how to use electronic dictionaries during translation process. At the same time, you can know more about how to use Sketch Engine.


10 vidéos

本单元,我们将学习翻译记忆库的发展历史、翻译记忆的一些基本概念,以及如何创建和管理翻译记忆。In this module, we're going to explore the secrets of translation memory. You will know basic concepts of translation memory and how to create TM and manage it.


8 vidéos1 devoir

在本单元的课程中,您将学习到如何使用SDL Trados Studio 2011,这一款较为业内领先的CAT软件。In this module, you will study how to use SDL Trados Studio 2011, an industry leading CAT software.


10 vidéos1 devoir

本单元,我们将为您展示计算机辅助翻译软件竞赛中各个小组软件学习视频以及项目实战视频。In this module, we will show you the videos by computer-aided translation students during their Computer-Aided Translation Tools Competition.


39 vidéos

本单元,我们将为您介绍有关术语及术语管理的相关知识。此外,还会讲解如何使用Multiterm。In this module, we are going to learn some issues about terminology and terminology management in translation practice. In addition, we will explain how to use Multiterm.


16 vidéos1 devoir

本单元,我们将更多的了解翻译服务和本地化服务,对质量控制也会有较为详细的介绍。In this module, we are going to learn more about translation service, localization service and quality assurance.


11 vidéos1 devoir

本单元,您将观看由北京大学和北京语言大学同学在软件竞赛中录制的软件学习和项目实战的视频。In this module, we will show you videos by students from Peking University and Beijing Language University during Computer-Aided Translation Tools Competition.


36 vidéos

本单元,您将学习机器翻译的现状、历史、面临的挑战,以及机器翻译的实现方式。In this module, you are going to learn the status and history of machine translation, the challenge it faces and major methods of MT.


9 vidéos1 devoir

本单元,我们将讲解本地化的相关概念、软件本地化以及其简单实例。In this module, we will learn the related concepts of localization industry, software localization and its example.


13 vidéos1 devoir

一学期的课程结束了,用期末考试来测测你对这门课知识的掌握程度吧。Congratulations, you have finished this course. Please take this final examination to test your learning of this course in the whole semester.


1 devoir


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.8 (10 évaluations)
Jingsong Shawn Yu 俞敬松
Peking University
1 Cours11 639 apprenants
Mr. Alex Han 韩林涛
Peking University
1 Cours11 639 apprenants

Offert par

Peking University

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    80,51 %

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    9,09 %

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    5,19 %

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    3,89 %


Révisé le 7 janv. 2021


Révisé le 6 nov. 2016

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