Northeastern University
Healthcare Data Management and Information Systems

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Northeastern University

Healthcare Data Management and Information Systems

Enseigné en Anglais

1 605 déjà inscrits


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(10 avis)

niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

16 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 5 heures par semaine
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Identify the impact of data analytics AI and ML on healthcare outcomes

  • Identify current issues related to digital security and privacy

  • Evaluate healthcare spending to determine return on investment

  • Identify emerging trends and developments in the field of healthcare informatics

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Health Informatics
  • Catégorie : Data Security
  • Catégorie : Data Management
  • Catégorie : Digital transformation

Détails à connaître

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26 quizzes

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

In this module, the focus will be on the importance of privacy and security in healthcare. Privacy is about respecting patient decisions regarding data usage, access, and purpose, while security is about enforcing those privacy constraints through technology. The module includes case studies and examples of the risks associated with privacy breaches and the importance of enforcing regulations like HIPPA and European regulations to protect patient data while still allowing for innovation in healthcare technology. By the end of this module you will take away lessons in mitigating and preventing security risks to an organization.


8 vidéos8 lectures7 quizzes1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion

While learning about various health information systems is important for allowing organizations to improve their clinical outcomes and workflow efficiencies, budgeting is a crucial component to the implementation of new technologies. This module will explore how budgeting occurs for health information systems and how strategic financial planning impacts how organization’s reach goals. You will compare operating and capital expenses and analyze the processes and practices for successful planning of both types of budgets. Finally, you will reflect on how to form successful budgeting teams.


6 vidéos2 lectures6 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

In the healthcare industry, emerging technologies can be used to greatly improve clinical outcomes and operational efficiencies. However, with these new technologies come may potential risks and challenges that need to be understood and explored prior to implementation. In this module, we will explore the emerging frontier of healthcare technology with emphasis on wearables and home-based care. As we are learning throughout this course, collecting data from many different sources provides a more holistic approach to healthcare. This module will cover more data types such as patient-sourced data and exposome data and how these can help healthcare organizations provide better patient care.


7 vidéos5 lectures7 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

Healthcare Information Technology is facing a digital transformation as we look toward the future of information systems. Organizations are pivoting away from a pipeline approach to a platform approach when implementing organizational strategy and incorporating new innovations. This module will explore these approaches and highlight this shift towards platform thinking through examples from the Mayo Clinic Platform. Finally, this module will conclude discussing the global transformation that is being seen across healthcare systems worldwide and what these changes mean for healthcare as we know it.


7 vidéos6 lectures6 quizzes1 évaluation par les pairs


Dr. John D. Halamka, M.D., M.S.
Northeastern University
3 Cours3 750 apprenants

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