Illinois Tech
Relational Database Implementation and Applications

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Illinois Tech

Relational Database Implementation and Applications

Enseigné en Anglais


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Gerald Balekaki
Yousef Elmehdwi

Instructeurs : Gerald Balekaki

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

27 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 9 heures par semaine
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Implement relational database and usage of indexes, views, triggers, temporary tables, functions, and stored procedures.

  • Develop database-driven applications using programming languages, such as Java, Python or C/C++ and frameworks.

  • Describe transaction and concurrency control concepts in relational databases.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Indexing and Hashing
  • Catégorie : Advanced SQL
  • Catégorie : Develop DB Applications
  • Catégorie : Transactions and Concurrency Control Management
  • Catégorie : Create Relational Databases

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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to Relational Database Implementation and Applications! In Module 1 of this course, you'll delve into the fundamental aspects of building relational databases. You'll learn about implementing indexes, views, triggers, functions, and stored procedures in relational databases. We'll highlight the significance of these elements in databases and how they enhance query performance. You'll explore the creation of both simple and complex views, understanding how they offer data abstraction benefits and the versatility of managing data through views. Additionally, you'll gain experience in creating and optimizing database operations using user-defined functions, triggers, and stored procedures in SQL, thus acquiring comprehensive knowledge of accurate business logic implementation and performance optimization techniques.


5 vidéos10 lectures2 quizzes1 sujet de discussion1 laboratoire non noté

Module 2 of this course offers an immersive exploration of the powerful world of SQL window functions and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) concepts. You will learn about the definition and benefits of window functions, gaining proficiency in advanced applications such as RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), LEAD(), LAG(), NTILE(n), PERCENT_RANK(), and CUME_DIST(). Additionally, you'll develop the skills to control window function behavior using PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses, define custom window frames with RANGE and ROWS clauses, and design, query, and analyze OLAP datasets using ROLL-UP and DRILL-DOWN levels of aggregation.


3 vidéos5 lectures2 quizzes1 laboratoire non noté

In Module 3 of this course, you'll learn how to develop database applications using versatile programming languages such as Java, Python, or C++. You'll discover how to establish connections to databases, perform essential CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and write code that supports SQL features like triggers, functions, and stored procedures used to facilitate complex queries in relational databases. The focus will be on robust database interactions, including error and exception handling to address connection issues, query failures, and data validation, ensuring the reliability of your applications.


3 vidéos6 lectures2 quizzes1 laboratoire non noté

Module 4 of this course provides an in-depth understanding of indexing within database systems. You'll define indexing and grasp its critical importance. Through comprehensive exploration, you'll differentiate between various types of indexes, including ordered and hash indexes, primary and secondary indexes, as well as multi-level and single-level indexes. Additionally, you'll delve into the structure of B+-trees, including nodes and leaves, and learn how these structures maintain balance, supporting efficient search operations. You'll also gain insight into B+-tree insertion and deletion operations.


2 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes1 laboratoire non noté

In Module 5, you will enter into the world of database transactions and their critical role in ensuring data consistency and integrity. You will gain a comprehensive understanding of the four ACID properties (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) and their significance in maintaining the reliability of transactions. Additionally, you'll explore techniques for managing concurrent access to data, including discussions on COMMIT and ROLLBACK behaviors, serial and serializable schedules, and conflict serializability tests using graph-based techniques. This module will also cover concepts like equivalent serial schedules, recoverability, and cascade-less schedules, empowering you to design and manage complex database systems with confidence and precision.


3 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes1 laboratoire non noté

Module 6 focuses on concurrency control in database management systems. You'll define concurrency control and understand its significance in maintaining data integrity while delving into the principles of lock-based concurrency control. This module will cover key concepts such as shared and exclusive lock types, lock modes, lock compatibility, and introduce the two-phase locking protocol with its guarantees. Additionally, you'll gain insights into how transactions acquire and release locks within this protocol, and you'll explore the concept of deadlocks and their underlying causes, equipping you with essential knowledge to manage concurrent access effectively and prevent data integrity issues in database systems.


2 vidéos3 lectures2 quizzes1 laboratoire non noté


Gerald Balekaki
Illinois Tech
3 Cours2 524 apprenants
Yousef Elmehdwi
Illinois Tech
3 Cours2 524 apprenants

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