Intel® Solutions Pro – Principles of AI Everywhere

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Intel® Solutions Pro – Principles of AI Everywhere

Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
8 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
8 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Gain the insights, expertise, and practical skills you need to analyze and solve complex challenges using cutting-edge AI technologies.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : AI Deployments
  • Catégorie : AI Everywhere
  • Catégorie : Xeon Processors
  • Catégorie : Edge Computing
  • Catégorie : AI Capabilities

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septembre 2024


13 devoirs

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Il y a 14 modules dans ce cours

What does AI Everywhere mean? What product should I consider for what applications or AI development stage? Learn all this and get sales guidance around AI from client to edge and cloud.


1 lecture1 devoir1 plugin

Contrary to popular belief, Nvidia GPUs are not the ONLY viable AI solution in the data center. Intel delivers outstanding solutions ranging from Intel® Xeon® CPUs to GPUs (GPU MAX and GPU FLEX) to Intel® Gaudi® 2 AI accelerators. This module highlights how Intel solves business challenges with AI and offers compelling alternatives to Nvidia


1 lecture1 devoir1 plugin

It is of huge importance for Intel to establish that AI runs on PCs. Intel® Core™ processors and Intel® ARC™ GPUs enable many inference use cases on client systems. This module will educate you on the AI applications and how Intel Core CPUs with neural processing unit (NPU), and Intel ARC GPUs enable these use cases.


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AI is enabling business transformations everywhere across the network and edge. Vision, language, and other use cases deploy AI across the edge--across a broad array of locations--in manufacturing, smart cities, transportation, and networking. Learn about the tools and enablement for edge deployments in this module.


1 lecture1 devoir1 plugin

Intel® Xeon® processors can be a great fit for AI, from ML/DL applications and even Generative AI. Note that while inference is a certain target AI use case we can also sell into retraining and fine tuning with Intel Xeon processors.


1 devoir1 plugin

This module will provide a foundational overview of Intel® Gaudi® AI accelerators, ensuring that everyone can grasp the core concepts including MLPerf results.


2 lectures1 devoir1 plugin

The matrix multiplication acceleration provided by Intel® Advanced Matrix Extensions (Intel® AMX) in Intel® Xeon® CPU Max makes it an exceptional value for AI. Pairing that acceleration with the increased memory bandwidth of the Intel® Xeon® CPU Max provides even better performance on many workloads and can greatly speed up workflows where AI is used to augment HPC as well as in LLM Inference. This submodule will provide a summary of the technical characteristics, their benefits, and performance results to show how customers and users can make use of these technologies to solve their problems within the Intel® Xeon® CPU ecosystem they already know and love.


1 lecture1 devoir1 plugin

Understand how Intel® Data Center GPU Max Series is a viable solution for your growing demand for AI and general-purpose workloads. In this course you will learn the basics of the technology, its software and framework readiness, and examples of where to use it effectively.


2 lectures1 devoir1 plugin

Understand how Intel® Data Center GPU Flex Series is a viable solution for your growing demand for AI and general-purpose workloads. In this course, you will learn the basics of the technology, its software and framework readiness, and examples of where to use it effectively.


1 lecture1 devoir1 plugin

oneAPI AI ToolKit, IPEX, OpenVINO™ - Learn the basics of positioning Intel AI Software


1 lecture1 devoir1 plugin

ChatGPT and other massive models represent an amazing step forward in AI that is moving at light speed. This course will survey how the AI ecosystem has worked non-stop to take these all-purpose multi-task models and optimize them so they can be used by organizations to address domain-specific problems. Learn how Intel can help you become a trusted thought leader who can demystify this topic for your partners and customers.


2 lectures1 devoir1 plugin

A lot of AI preparation, development, prototyping, and increasingly, deployment is happening on workstations. Workstations liberate the AI developer and data scientist from negotiating server time while also providing the increased memory capacity and cores to handle larger AI datasets that would cripple a consumer PC or laptop. With an AI Workstation from Intel, organizations benefit from a robust platform for AI experimentation, thus avoiding expensive production costs. Finally, with the growth of Generative AI and Small Language Models (SLMs), the AI Workstation from Intel offers a compelling solution for enterprises to maximize their AI investments. By using industry-specific and proprietary data with SLMs in a workstation, enterprises can achieve multiple objectives: efficiency, accuracy, customization, and security.


2 lectures1 devoir1 plugin

AI is the defining workload of our time, and organizations are racing to adopt AI into their businesses and services. At the same time, governments around the world are passing new regulations to help ensure AI evolves in a way that is secure, trustworthy, and respectful of individual privacy. Confidential AI is a method to protect the data and model while it is actively in use, helping organizations stay compliant with regulations and protect their IP.


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Congratulations you are complete.


1 lecture


Jennifer James
8 Cours1 459 apprenants

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