Johns Hopkins University
Kids with Cancer Still Need School: The Providers Role

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Johns Hopkins University

Kids with Cancer Still Need School: The Providers Role

Enseigné en Anglais


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Kathy Ruble
Lisa Jacobson

Instructeurs : Kathy Ruble

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

2 heures pour terminer
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Recognize signs and symptoms that suggest risks for school-related difficulties.

  • Identify ways to improve communication with families about school related challenges.

  • Describe the purpose of the Parent Roadmap: Kids with Cancer Still Need School tools.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Communicating about schooling needs with families affected by pediatric cancer
  • Catégorie : Sharing Return to School Roadmaps with parents so they can better advocate for their child with cancer.

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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

Your first step in this course is to take the required pre-test. At the conclusion of the pre-test you'll receive a code that you will input in order to move on to the first content module. Note - the pretest is delivered via qualtrics survey software. Some users may have a spam filter setting that blocks qualtrics. If you do not see the test please check your spam filter settings.


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A surprising finding in our research with families affected by pediatric cancer is that providers and parents have quite different perceptions about communication around school related topics such as neurocognitive impacts of cancer or its treatment. This module will introduce you to misconceptions about parent/provider communication and share identified knowledge gaps associated with the school related challenges of children affected by pediatric cancer. This information will help you understand this under-recognized need and why improving parent-provider communication about schooling related issues is critical.


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As a provider you are aware that cancer or its treatment can confer risks for neurocognitive impacts. Such impacts and other late effects can contribute to immediate and long-term schooling challenges. This module describes some less-well-known relationships between specific treatments and late-effect risks. It provides detailed recommendations for how to foster frequent, brief conversations with parents to help ensure they are aware of school related risks. This is important because parents are a critical advocate for their child and a necessary first step is that they become aware that they may need to play this role. Your communication with parents about these issues is vital to the process.


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You didn’t go to medical school to teach parents about schooling challenges – but it can still be valuable to have a basic understanding of the vocabulary and processes that parents need to help support their children to succeed in school. This module provides an overview of the accommodations and services children affected by cancer are most likely to need. It clarifies what actions you can take to help as parents work with schools to determine if their child is eligible to receive them.


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The previous modules have laid out the arguments for why parents need more support and they have given you important background information about schooling challenges, eligibility for services, and how to talk with parents about these issues. In this module, we provide detail the Back-to-School Roadmaps our team has created. The Roadmaps were created collaboratively with input from affected families and other stakeholders. You know from Module 2 how to have brief conversations with parents about schooling concerns – pairing those conversations with these Roadmaps can prepare parents to support their children to succeed in school. As you complete the Modules, we hope you take time to review the Roadmaps on your own and plan for how to begin having brief conversations with parents as you provide them with these tools.


1 vidéo9 lectures

Your final step in this course is to take the required post-test. At the conclusion of the post-test you'll receive a code that you will input in order to complete this CME. Note - the posttest is delivered via qualtrics survey software. Some users may have a spam filter setting that blocks qualtrics. If you do not see the test please check your spam filter settings.


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Kathy Ruble
Johns Hopkins University
1 Cours837 apprenants
Lisa Jacobson
Johns Hopkins University
1 Cours837 apprenants

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