National Taiwan University
是誰在說話 -- 可愛的臺灣。(Intermediate Chinese)

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National Taiwan University

是誰在說話 -- 可愛的臺灣。(Intermediate Chinese)

Enseigné en Chinois (traditionnel)

12 854 déjà inscrits


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Instructeur : 竺靜華


(184 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
5 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 1 heure par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Properly use vocabulary and grammar, create sentences and paragraphs, write short passages in Chinese.


  • Compare the past and present, get to know the modern faces and cultural histories of Taiwan’s beautiful landmarks.


Détails à connaître

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4 quizzes

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

Jiufen is small town in northern Taiwan, once a booming gold mining town, mining operations there have all closed down now. After the metropolises in the north such as Taipei sprang up, Jiufen has still maintained a rural and simple atmosphere reminiscent of the 1950’s that appeals to many tourists. Jiufen today is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the north of Taiwan. 本週要介紹的是臺灣北部的一個小鎮 -- 九份,這裡以前盛產黃金,又稱「黃金山城」,沒有了黃金以後,這裡開始發展觀光產業,如今成為臺灣十分著名的觀光景點之一。


6 vidéos1 quiz1 élément d'application

In this unit we will get to know the little town of Lugang in central Taiwan by learning the story of Shi Gan Dang stone tablets. Lugang’s temples and old streets tell a soul-stirring story, from their impressive architecture to their cultural backgrounds.The sea goddess Mazu protects people in their daily lives, giving them a comforting warmth. Chinese people have special kind of faith and feeling towards their temples. In this unit, we hope you also will feel inspired by these stories. 本週將透過「石敢當」的故事,介紹臺灣中部的一個小鎮—鹿港,從「鹿港」的傳統信仰、廟宇文化,到廟宇對當地居民所產生的影響,希望能為你帶來心靈層面的意義與啟發。


6 vidéos1 quiz1 élément d'application

This week we will look at the earliest Chinese settlement in Taiwan. Tainan is located in southern Taiwan. Because it was settled relatively early on in Taiwan’s history, there are many old buildings left in Tainan, making it an important cultural asset. From the year 1620 there were already settlers farming and living here, some architecture built in that period still remains here today. From these historic buildings, we can understand Tainan’s bygone prosperous days and current modern face. In this town full of both nostalgia and modern life, we can recall the past and at the same time appreciate the changes that places undergo with the passage of time. 本週要介紹的是臺灣最早建立的城市 — 臺南,它位於臺灣的南部,從西元 1620 年起,就有人在這裡耕作、生活,當時建造的部分建築一直保留到現在,使今日的臺南成為一個復古又時尚的城市。


6 vidéos1 quiz1 élément d'application

Orchid Island is located off the east coast of Taiwan. This little island is full of beautiful scenery and vibrant nature. The people living there maintain a rustic lifestyle very different from that in Taiwan’s modern cities. In this course, follow along with our camera and enjoy Orchid Island’s beautiful natural landscapes. 臺灣是一個海島,周邊散落著許多小島,其中一個位於臺灣東部的小島 -- 蘭嶼,就是本週介紹的主軸。這裡擁有美麗的風景和豐富的自然資源,並且保存了最原始的生活方式,和現代城市很不一樣,邀請你一起來欣賞美麗的蘭嶼。


6 vidéos1 quiz1 élément d'application


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.7 (64 évaluations)
National Taiwan University
2 Cours78 841 apprenants

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