Linux for beginners with Hands-on Labs

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Linux for beginners with Hands-on Labs

Enseigné en Anglais


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Mumshad Mannambeth

Instructeur : Mumshad Mannambeth

niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
13 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 4 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Linux Kernel

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mai 2024


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Il y a 10 modules dans ce cours

The Introduction module provides learners with a foundational understanding of Linux, tailored specifically for professionals entering the field of DevOps and Cloud computing. Through engaging with real-world scenarios inspired by the experiences of Bob, a new employee at Caleston Technologies, learners will familiarize themselves with essential Linux concepts and practical usage, preparing them for the demands of modern IT environments.


3 vidéos1 lecture1 sujet de discussion

In the "Working with Shell" module, participants dive into the Linux shell environment, a critical component for interacting with the operating system. They learn fundamental Linux commands for file system navigation, file management, and system operations, enhancing their command-line proficiency. Through practical labs, participants gain hands-on experience with the Bash shell and its features, further solidifying their understanding of shell interactions. Additionally, participants explore command-line help resources to effectively utilize and troubleshoot commands in real-world scenarios.


5 vidéos2 lectures1 devoir

The "Linux Core Concepts" module provides participants with foundational knowledge of essential Linux concepts. Participants learn about the Linux kernel and its interaction with hardware, gaining insights into system resource management. They explore the Linux boot sequence, runlevels, and system initialization processes, enhancing their understanding of system startup and management. Additionally, participants delve into different file types, the Linux filesystem hierarchy, and kernel modules through practical labs, enabling them to navigate and organize files effectively in a Linux environment.


6 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir

The "Package Management" module introduces participants to the concept of package management in Linux systems. Participants learn about package management tools such as RPM, YUM, DPKG, and APT, and their roles in installing, updating, and removing software packages. Through practical labs, participants gain hands-on experience in using these tools to effectively manage software packages on their Linux systems.


4 vidéos2 lectures1 devoir

In "Working with Shell - II," participants expand their command-line skills with advanced topics in Linux shell usage. They learn about file compression and archival techniques, file searching using grep and find, and input/output redirection for managing command streams. Practical labs provide hands-on experience in applying these concepts, reinforcing learning through interactive exercises. Additionally, participants explore the VI editor for text file manipulation, enhancing their text editing capabilities in the Linux environment.


5 vidéos2 lectures1 devoir

The "Networking" module covers essential networking concepts and tools in Linux systems. Participants learn about the importance of networking, Linux networking fundamentals, and DNS functionality. Through hands-on labs, participants gain practical experience in configuring DNS settings and troubleshooting common networking issues. Additionally, participants explore networking basics and engage in troubleshooting exercises to enhance their understanding of Linux networking concepts.


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The "Security and File Permissions" module covers essential security practices and access control mechanisms in Linux systems. Participants learn about Linux account management, file permissions, and ownership through theoretical explanations and hands-on labs. Additionally, they gain practical experience in using SSH and SCP for secure remote access and file transfer. Participants also explore iptables firewall basics and learn how to schedule recurring tasks using cronjobs, enhancing their system administration skills.


9 vidéos5 lectures1 devoir

The "Service Management with systemd" module introduces participants to systemd, the system and service manager for Linux systems. Participants learn about systemd's role in service management and how to create systemd services to manage applications and processes effectively. Through practical labs, participants gain hands-on experience in creating and managing systemd services. Additionally, participants explore systemd tools for service management and troubleshooting, enhancing their system administration skills.


3 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir

The "Storage in Linux" module covers fundamental storage management concepts and techniques in Linux systems. Participants learn about disk partitions, filesystems, and their management through theoretical explanations and practical labs. Additionally, participants explore different storage architectures such as DAS, NAS, and SAN, along with the NFS filesystem for networked file sharing. Through hands-on labs, participants gain practical experience in configuring and managing Logical Volume Management (LVM) for dynamic storage allocation and management.


7 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir

In "The Client Demonstration" module, participants join Bob as he faces a critical issue during the client demonstration, putting the project at risk. Participants apply their troubleshooting skills and knowledge gained throughout the course to diagnose and resolve the issue in a final troubleshooting scenario. Through practical labs, participants gain hands-on experience in navigating complex system issues and ensuring the success of the client demonstration. The module concludes with the finale, wrapping up Bob's journey and the project's outcome.


2 vidéos2 lectures


Mumshad Mannambeth
7 Cours2 909 apprenants

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