École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Management of Urban Infrastructures – part 1

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École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Management of Urban Infrastructures – part 1

Matthias Finger

Instructeur : Matthias Finger

31 546 déjà inscrits

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11 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 3 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.

(776 avis)

11 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 3 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Project Management
  • Catégorie : Management
  • Catégorie : City Management
  • Catégorie : Smart City

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9 devoirs

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Il y a 5 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to the 1st block: an Introduction to Urban Infrastructures. In this block we will start by exploring the key challenges faced by urban infrastructures (1-2), and then we will learn about the main urban infrastructure systems (1-3), and their main dimensions (1-4). Finally, Mr. Vincent Lusser will provide us with a practitioner’s perspective on urban infrastructures (1-5). To complete this block, first watch the five videos, and visit the discussion forum where other learners and our TA team will answer any questions and facilitate a debate on the concepts treated in the section. After watching the videos, make sure to read the reading assigned for the block. In it, you will find a summary of the lecture content, and an illustrative case study of the urban infrastructure challenges facing Mexico City, the largest urban agglomeration in the Western hemisphere. Finally, when you feel ready, complete the quiz “What did I learn in Block 1?” to assess your knowledge, and Short Answer Assignment 1, to apply what you have learned to your own city.


6 vidéos2 lectures2 devoirs1 sujet de discussion1 plugin

Welcome to the 2nd block: an Introduction to Principles of Urban Infrastructure Management. In this block, we first answer the question: “What do urban infrastructure managers do?” (2-1), and then we study how to manage different stakeholders and their associated performance objectives (2-2). Next, we will learn about the main dimensions for urban infrastructure management (2-3), the main schools of thought in managing urban infrastructure systems (2-4), and we will finish with an interview with Mr. Christoph Rothballer, from Boston Consulting Group (2-5). Once you have watched the five videos in this block, you may want to visit the discussion forums where you can express your doubts and debate the contents of the lectures. In the 2nd block reading, you will find a summary of the lecture content, and a dramatic illustrative case study that explores the challenges in supplying drinking water in Detroit. Finally, asses your knowledge of the block’s concepts in the quiz “What did I learn in Block 2?”, and answer the Short Answer Assignment 2 to explore how the concepts apply to your city.


6 vidéos1 lecture2 devoirs1 sujet de discussion1 plugin

Welcome to the 3rd block: an Introduction to Urban Energy Management. We now move into the two last blocks, which deal with specific urban infrastructure systems, in this case, the urban electricity system. First we will be introduced to urban energy infrastructures (3-1), we will then move on to understanding urban electricity systems (3-2). We will then learn how to manage urban electricity systems (3-3) and discover what challenges and opportunities must be confronted (3-4). Finally, an interview with Mr. Thierry Clement, from Veolia, will provide us with the perspective of a leading utility firm (3-5). After watching the five videos in this block, visit the discussion forums to solve your doubts or express your thoughts on the lecture content. In the 3rd block reading you will find a summary of the lecture content, and an illustrative case study exploring the transition towards a sustainable urban energy system in Copenhagen. Finally, test your knowledge of the block’s concepts in the quiz “What did I learn in Block 3?”, and answer Short Answer Assignment 3 and discover the urban electricity system in your city.


5 vidéos1 lecture2 devoirs1 sujet de discussion1 plugin

Welcome to the 4th block: an Introduction to Urban Transport Management. In this block, we will study the ever-important urban transportation system. We will begin with an introduction to urban transportation systems (4-1), and then we will learn how to manage urban transportation systems (4-2). Prof. Robert E. Paaswell, from the City University of New York, will lecture us on the challenges of managing urban transport (4-3), and Mr. Beat Muller, from CarPostal, will complement Prof. Paaswell’s views, but from the practitioner perspective (4-4). Finally we will address the broader challenges of urban transportation (4-5), and conclude the MOOC with a short wrap up (4-6). After watching the six intense videos in this block, go visit the discussion forums to solve any doubts or simply share your comments on the topic of the lecture. You will find a summary of the content, as well as an illustrative case study on the revolutionary transformation of Seoul’s transport system in the 4th block reading. To conclude the block, test your knowledge in the quiz “What did I learn in Block 4?”, and answer Short Answer Assignment 4 to investigate how the concepts on urban transportation apply to your city.


6 vidéos1 lecture2 devoirs1 sujet de discussion1 plugin

You are almost done! The last step to finish the required coursework of this MOOC is to take the final exam. We also encourage you to take on the optional challenge of writing a peer-reviewed case study about your own city to win the big prize of the MUI MOOC !


1 lecture1 devoir1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.7 (114 évaluations)
Matthias Finger
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
5 Cours84 676 apprenants

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