Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Oralpha: Literacy for new citizens, a course for trainers

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Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Oralpha: Literacy for new citizens, a course for trainers

Enseigné en Anglais


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Silvia Carrasco
Montse Ros Serra
Laia Narciso Pedro

Instructeurs : Silvia Carrasco

niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
8 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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3 quizzes

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

The aim of this course is to learn about international migration and the experiences of immigrants in the receiving societies, as well as to train trainers to guide them in simultaneous processes of language and literacy learning, as an essential need for social integration in the host society.


1 vidéo7 lectures

This module provides a general overview of international migration and social integration in 21st century Europe and the essential role of languages in it. Topics covered:<br>1. HUMAN MIGRATION AND MOBILITY:<br> a) Migration flows, regions and types.<br> b) Rights, regulations and migrants’ profiles.<br> c) Super-diversity, cities and refugees in Europe.<br>2. BORDERS AND LANGUAGES:<br> a) Reception systems for newly arrived migrants and asylum seekers and language provisions.<br> b) Immigrants’ experiences, interactions and language learning.<br>3. UNDERSTANDING SOCIAL INTEGRATION:<br> a) Integration models alongside history, with a particular focus on the intercultural approach.<br> b) Intersectionality, belonging and bordering .


4 vidéos5 lectures1 quiz

This module aims at providing a general overview of the students’ and teachers’ profile. Topics covered:<br>1. EXPECTATIONS AND NEEDS from students in relation to integration (i.e. staying or leaving the country; working; studying) and language. <br>2. PLURILINGUAL COMPETENCE (which are the students’ communicative practices? Which languages they already use? In which contexts? To reflect on key concepts to describe communicative competence of migrant and refugee students (Plurilingualism, translanguaging, superdiversity…)<br>3. STUDENTS’ BARRIERS to access language and education rights beyond classroom methodology. For example: enough number of courses; gender-related lack of ”awareness”/discrimination, system knowledge barriers; legal status; gaps in the educational system; policies to discourage to remain, mobility issues, linguistic diversity lack of awareness (e.g. the role of literacy in mother tongue). <br>4. TEACHERS’ PROFILES: expectations, working conditions, ideologies, training, expertise… in relation to ORALPHA methodology and NEEDS of training. <br>5. TEACHING COMPETENCIES: (i.e. adaptation skills, how to overcome stereotypes; gender issues; to value previous language


7 vidéos4 lectures1 quiz

This module aims at providing a general overview of the theoretical basis that is beyond L2 literacy classes. Topics covered:<br>1. L2 THEORY on second languages teaching and the specificities of low educational background students.<br>2. LITERACY THEORY, main theories of literacy teaching and the specificities of L2 teaching to people with a mother tongue that differs from the host language.<br>3. WAYS OF LEARNING, illiterate people ways of learning and ways to develop reading and writing skills. <br>4. ORAL SKILLS the importance of oral skills development in the L2 literacy class; specifics mechanisms to promote the orality in L2 literacy lessons<br>5. GROUP DYNAMICS, the importance of emotions and socialization in L2 literacy class; specifics mechanisms to promote group cohesion, motivation, self confidence, etc. In L2 literacy lessons. <br>6. INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCES L2, the importance of introducing intercultural approach (students, teachers and materials).


10 vidéos4 lectures1 quiz


Silvia Carrasco
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