Complete Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Course | Learn Solidity

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Complete Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Course | Learn Solidity

Inclus avec Coursera Plus

Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

18 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 6 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

18 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 6 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Understand the foundational concepts of blockchain and the history of cryptocurrencies.

  • Apply security strategies to protect cryptocurrency portfolios using various wallet types.

  • Develop hands-on skills using core development tools such as Mist, Geth, and Ethereum Studio.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Blockchain
  • Catégorie : Litecoin
  • Catégorie : Cryptocurrency
  • Catégorie : Ripple
  • Catégorie : AltCoin Deep Dive

Détails à connaître

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octobre 2024


6 devoirs

Enseigné en Anglais

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Il y a 14 modules dans ce cours

In this module, we will introduce the core concepts that form the foundation of the course. You’ll get an overview of the topics covered, including cryptocurrency fundamentals and blockchain technology, setting the stage for deeper exploration in subsequent sections.


1 vidéo1 lecture

In this module, we will explore the world of cryptocurrencies, tracing their origins, creation mechanisms, and their economic significance. We will also assess the potential for cryptocurrencies to retain value in the future, offering insights into their evolving role in the financial landscape.


7 vidéos

In this module, we will dive into cryptocurrency wallets, explaining the different types and guiding you through setting one up. You'll learn how to secure your assets and complete transactions with ease.


7 vidéos1 devoir

In this module, we will cover key investment strategies, including long-term holding (HODL) and ICOs. You will learn the difference between utility and security tokens and gain insights into tracking the cryptocurrency market for smarter investing.


7 vidéos

In this module, we will focus on how to protect your cryptocurrency portfolio. You’ll explore the differences between hot and cold wallets, learn about best practices for choosing exchanges, and discover strategies to safeguard your investments from potential threats.


6 vidéos

In this module, we will dive deep into Altcoins such as Litecoin, Binance Coin, and Ethereum. You will explore the unique characteristics and use cases of each, evaluating their future potential in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.


9 vidéos1 devoir

In this module, we will unpack the technical aspects of blockchain technology. You’ll learn how blockchains work, the distinctions between private and public networks, and explore real-world applications of smart contracts and Web 3.0 innovations.


7 vidéos

In this module, we will delve into smart contract development using Solidity, the most popular language for blockchain programming. You will write your first smart contract, work with variables and functions, and explore concepts like constructors, modifiers, and exceptions.


16 vidéos

In this module, we will guide you through the development of a blockchain-based game. From defining interfaces to managing player interactions, you will learn how to build the core game mechanics, ensuring a seamless experience for users.


14 vidéos1 devoir

In this module, we will explore Ethereum’s ecosystem, covering crucial topics like denominations, network structure, and gas fees. You will also learn how public/private key cryptography works and gain deeper insights into how events function on the Ethereum network.


7 vidéos

In this module, we will cover the tools needed for local blockchain development. You will set up Truffle, Web3.js, and Ganache, and adapt these environments to support your game and smart contract development workflow.


5 vidéos

In this module, we will focus on the importance of automated testing in smart contract development. You will create JavaScript and Solidity test cases to ensure the reliability and correctness of your contracts, minimizing potential bugs.


5 vidéos1 devoir

In this module, we will bring your blockchain-based game to life in a web environment. You’ll learn how to use HTML and JavaScript to interact with your smart contracts, add game features, and create a polished user interface.


11 vidéos

In this module, we will explore hosted blockchain nodes with MetaMask. You’ll learn how to install MetaMask, interact with decentralized applications, and deploy smart contracts to public networks. Finally, we’ll test your game on the Ropsten testnet, ensuring everything functions properly in a live environment.


7 vidéos2 devoirs


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