Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
PM4R Agile: 5 steps for hybrid management of projects

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Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo

PM4R Agile: 5 steps for hybrid management of projects

Enseigné en Anglais


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Agustín Sarría

Instructeur : Agustín Sarría

niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
19 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 6 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • You will learn the 5 steps of PM4R Agile, a hybrid method for critical project tasks, to accelerate execution and achieve faster, efficient delivery.

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juillet 2024


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Il y a 7 modules dans ce cours

In this section, we will identify the objectives, structure, evaluations, and orientation material of the course. The first welcome video will give you a general overview of the course and the topics we will cover; we will review the objectives that you will achieve after successfully completing the course; we will share the link to the participant’s guide, a document that we suggest you consult frequently, as it will be your navigation guide for the course; you will identify the way you will be evaluated and you will get to know the instructors of the course and the design team. To finish, we invite you to answer an initial survey.


3 lectures1 sujet de discussion1 plugin

In this first module, you will learn about the first step of the PM4R Agile hybrid project management methodology. This first step is the analysis of existing project planning elements. This should involve the entire project team, as well as those key stakeholders with high influence and interest, including contractors and suppliers. You will learn what this step consists of both theoretically through a lecture and practically through an application to an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) case. You will be able to watch the project team perform step 1 to better understand who performs it, how it is done, the tools used, and the results of the project. Finally, you will carry out an application exercise through a simulation in another IDB project in which you will be able to put into practice what you have learned.


1 vidéo3 lectures2 devoirs

In this second module, you will learn what the second step of the PM4R Agile hybrid project management methodology consists of. This second step is the selection of priority works, a process that should involve the product owner, who is the protagonist of many of the actions in this phase, together with the team and its agile leader. We will show you how this stage of the methodology is carried out, the criteria and requirements that the selected tasks must meet and what product is obtained in this step. You will also see an example of how this process is developed in a real project in which the Inter-American Development Bank has participated. Finally, you will put into practice what you have learned by performing a mock priority works selection exercise in which you will be challenged to make the decisions to select the priority works.


1 vidéo3 lectures2 devoirs

In this third module, you will learn the PM4R Agile hybrid project management methodology's third step. The third step is the development of the PM4R Agile Plan and the responsibility for carrying it out falls on the entire work team. You will learn how to organize the work during the plan's time frame, what tools help teams define the order of completion of each task, and what are the responsibilities of the different team roles in this phase. We will share an animated video in which you will follow our model project team as it develops this step.At the end of the module, you will be able to validate what you have learned with the simulation of a project in which you will have to distribute the selected jobs among the different sprints of the PM4R Agile Plan.


1 vidéo3 lectures2 devoirs

This fourth module corresponds to the fourth step of the PM4R Agile hybrid project management methodology, which consists of the participative assignment of responsibilities, a task to be performed by the entire work team. We will teach you what the concept of self-assignment is and how it can increase commitment and collaboration among team members to achieve the goals set in each sprint. Our case study project team will show you the situations that can arise in this step and how to resolve them productively. Finally, you will be able to participate in a participative assignment of responsibilities in our interactive application, in which you will decide which activities you can take on in your team's plan.


1 vidéo3 lectures2 devoirs

In this module, we will address the fifth and final step of the PM4R Agile hybrid project management methodology: the implementation of the PM4R Agile Plan. You will learn how to track the activities performed by everyone involved in the plan through a Kanban board and by organizing three types of meetings throughout each sprint. We will also show you how this stage was developed in the real project of the Inter-American Development Bank that you have followed in the animated videos during the course. Finally, you will put yourself in the shoes of the El Salvador team and participate in the implementation and monitoring activities of our interactive project; in this way, you will test what you have learned throughout these five steps.


1 vidéo4 lectures2 devoirs


3 lectures2 plugins


Agustín Sarría
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
5 Cours3 554 apprenants

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