American Psychological Association
Psychology of the Self

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American Psychological Association

Psychology of the Self

Kyle Smith

Instructeur : Kyle Smith

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niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

14 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 4 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

14 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 4 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Go on a self-discovery journey to gain insights that you can apply to improve your personal and professional life.

  • Learn how to navigate challenges and improves habits with self-awareness.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Self-regulation
  • Catégorie : Self-confidence
  • Catégorie : Self-Regulation
  • Catégorie : Self-Confidence
  • Catégorie : Self-awareness
  • Catégorie : Self-Motivation
  • Catégorie : Self-Control
  • Catégorie : Self-Awareness

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octobre 2024


18 devoirs

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Il y a 9 modules dans ce cours

This module introduces you to the way psychologists think about the self and gives you information about the two functions of the self: its role as a collection of information, and its role as a set of processes. Find out what’s included in this course and how to navigate the modules and lessons. You’ll also learn valuable study tips for successful learning.


5 vidéos11 lectures4 devoirs

Among other things, the self is a collection of information. In this module, we discuss where that information is stored; factors that impact how it’s stored; how this storage, called the self-concept, can affect us; and how our behaviors can be steered away from our self-concept, leading us to act inconsistently with our values and beliefs.


3 vidéos7 lectures3 devoirs

The self isn’t just something that exists to store information about ourselves; it also affects the way we think about and seek out self-relevant information. This module will talk about the different motivations that can dictate how we process self-relevant information and can influence our behaviors when we seek out information about the self.


3 vidéos5 lectures2 devoirs

Most people have a good idea of what self-esteem is, so why do we need a module on it? There are two main reasons. First, there are many common misconceptions about self-esteem. For example, many people conflate high self-esteem and narcissism, two separate concepts. Second, there are many facts about self-esteem that are not commonly known. For example, self-esteem operates very differently in Eastern versus Western cultures. This module helps improve your understanding of self-esteem and its causes and consequences, and gives you recommendations on how you can improve your self-esteem.


3 vidéos6 lectures3 devoirs

Being able to control our own behavior is an important skill that people develop over their lifetimes. This module covers what self-regulation is, the positive effects it can have on our lives, and how we can better regulate our behavior to help us reach our goals. We end with a discussion about the nature of willpower.


3 vidéos9 lectures4 devoirs

This module will help you review the important concepts of the course and prepare you for the cumulative quiz. The module is broken down by learning objective, with each lesson containing key takeaways and key vocabulary relevant to that learning objective.


1 vidéo16 lectures1 devoir

This module contains a quiz covering all of the material in this course. It will count for 30% of your total course grade, so make sure you’ve reviewed the material well. Good luck!


1 vidéo1 lecture1 devoir

This module contains a glossary, course references, and a list of contributors to the course.


3 lectures

This module provides a variety of information and tools from the American Psychological Association (APA) that will help inspire you as you complete your coursework and plan your career goals. Get discounted access to Academic Writer, APA’s online tool for writing effectively, as well as valuable advice that will help you develop and strengthen your skillset for learning success and future employment. Additionally, explore resources on various psychological issues. This module also includes APA resources on scholarly research and writing; a list of sites providing valuable resources on diversity, equity, and inclusion in psychology education and in the professional community; resources on a career in psychology; and links to career opportunities at the APA. You can also view videos that offer tips on dealing with stress.


8 lectures


Kyle Smith
American Psychological Association
5 Cours1 699 apprenants

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