L&T EduTech
Resource and Waste Management in Buildings

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L&T EduTech

Resource and Waste Management in Buildings

Ce cours fait partie de Spécialisation Sustainable Design Practices in Building Design

Enseigné en Anglais

Subject Matter Expert

Instructeur : Subject Matter Expert

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niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

7 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Understand the features of Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) and implement energy efficient strategies in HVAC and Lighting system

  • Understand the concepts of waste water treatment and usage, rainwater harvesting and provide strategies for achieving water efficiency in buildings

  • Develop waste management plan for buildings by understanding waste treatment methodologies and resource recovery

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Design of sustainable building using Indian green building rating systems (IGBC and GRIHA)

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mai 2024


4 devoirs


Familiarisez-vous avec un sujet et apprenez les fondamentaux

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

7 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

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Élaborez votre expertise du sujet

Ce cours fait partie de la Spécialisation Sustainable Design Practices in Building Design
Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à ce cours, vous êtes également inscrit(e) à cette Spécialisation.
  • Apprenez de nouveaux concepts auprès d'experts du secteur
  • Acquérez une compréhension de base d'un sujet ou d'un outil
  • Développez des compétences professionnelles avec des projets pratiques
  • Obtenez un certificat professionnel partageable

Obtenez un certificat professionnel

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

Energy efficiency, the practice of accomplishing tasks with reduced energy consumption for the same outcomes, emerges as a key focus in this module, particularly in the context of building structures. Beginning with a comprehensive exploration of the nature of energy and its diverse forms within buildings, the discourse transitions into methods for optimizing energy efficiency within these structures. Emphasis is placed on the pivotal role of building energy simulation and the crucial features outlined in the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC). The module also illuminates strategies for enhancing energy efficiency in Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems and lighting, supported by illustrative examples. Additionally, the module underscores the significance of integrating renewable energy sources, implementing energy management systems, and the procedural insights into conducting an effective energy audit within building environments.


7 vidéos5 lectures1 devoir

Water efficiency entails minimizing water consumption in various activities without compromising comfort or functionality. This module focuses on the planning and design of water management systems for buildings. The module encompasses strategies to reduce water usage through the adoption of certified water-efficient fixtures following the Uniform Illustrated Plumbing Code of India. Additionally, the module delves into the detailed exploration of rainwater harvesting as a vital measure to address water crises. The significance of water metering, its types, and contemporary trends are elucidated. The final segment covers the treatment of wastewater, the reuse of treated water, and achieving water efficiency in landscaping through the implementation of effective irrigation techniques.


4 vidéos2 lectures1 devoir

The module commences with the concept of an environmental footprint and its implications on the global environment due to generated waste. This waste management module provides valuable insights into the generation of waste in buildings, its treatment, and secure disposal. Initially, we examine the diverse types of waste and various treatment methodologies, including processes such as converting waste into energy and resource recovery. Given that the nature of generated waste varies depending on the building's purpose, our focus extends to waste management strategies tailored for healthcare facilities and mixed-use residential and commercial buildings. The comprehensive waste management approach encompasses the identification of waste types, segregation practices, in-house transportation systems, storage methods, treatment processes, reuse initiatives, and proper disposal methods.


5 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir

Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste involves a diverse array of materials arising from construction activities, such as concrete, wood, metals, and others, which must be handled separately. This module on construction and demolition waste management offers a perspective on sustainable practices for handling C&D waste. It will cover the composition, measurement, processing techniques, and regulations associated with C&D waste management. The module will emphasize the adoption of a circular economy approach to enhance resource efficiency and minimize environmental repercussions. Additionally, we will explore case studies showcasing C&D waste management strategies that promote sustainable practices within the construction industry.


8 vidéos1 devoir


Subject Matter Expert
L&T EduTech
81 Cours40 152 apprenants

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L&T EduTech

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