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University of Colorado Boulder

Strategic Product Development

Ce cours fait partie de Spécialisation Product Development for Technical Managers

Enseigné en Anglais

1 510 déjà inscrits

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niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

15 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
Progresser pour obtenir un diplôme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Learn why product and technology strategy is critical to successful product development.

  • Analyze different product development processes and how they are used.

  • Apply the techniques of portfolio management to optimize multiple product development efforts.

  • Learn the different ways companies build high-performance teams, and the roles of each team member in the successful launch of new products.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Product Strategy
  • Catégorie : Product Planning
  • Catégorie : Technology Strategy
  • Catégorie : Portfolio Management
  • Catégorie : Product Development

Détails à connaître

Certificat partageable

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3 quizzes


Familiarisez-vous avec un sujet et apprenez les fondamentaux

niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

15 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
Progresser pour obtenir un diplôme

Découvrez comment les employés des entreprises prestigieuses maîtrisent des compétences recherchées


Élaborez votre expertise du sujet

Ce cours fait partie de la Spécialisation Product Development for Technical Managers
Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à ce cours, vous êtes également inscrit(e) à cette Spécialisation.
  • Apprenez de nouveaux concepts auprès d'experts du secteur
  • Acquérez une compréhension de base d'un sujet ou d'un outil
  • Développez des compétences professionnelles avec des projets pratiques
  • Obtenez un certificat professionnel partageable

Obtenez un certificat professionnel

Ajoutez cette qualification à votre profil LinkedIn ou à votre CV

Partagez-le sur les réseaux sociaux et dans votre évaluation de performance


Il y a 5 modules dans ce cours

This module introduces the course objectives, weekly topics, and provides a high-level view of the factors that make a product successful.


7 vidéos1 lecture2 évaluations par les pairs1 sujet de discussion

Products need to align with the company's strategy. In this module, we explore a company's mission and vision statements. When then link those to the business strategy, defined using two techniques: Porter's 5-Forces Analysis and the Business Model Canvas. We then wrap up with a discussion of the different types of product innovation - with Dean Kamen and Mike Biddle as two case studies.


9 vidéos1 quiz

In this module, we further explore different types of product and technology innovation, beginning with Christensen's model of the "innovator's dilemma". We then show the challenges when launching new products, particularly those that incorporate disruptive technologies. Product and Technology Roadmaps are product management tools that allow the team to see the long-term product and business strategy. Finally, the module ends with a few techniques on how to manage several different product development projects, a field known as Portfolio Management.


7 vidéos3 lectures1 quiz

This module examines different techniques to identify product opportunities. Some of these we can see directly, as with Sir James Dyson's development of a new type of vacuum cleaner. We then look at a few different ways to develop innovative new products, from a market-pull approach to a technology-push approach, and everything in between. Finally, we go over your final project, one that you will have over the 3-course Product Development specialization.


7 vidéos1 lecture2 évaluations par les pairs2 sujets de discussion

In this lesson, we examine the many different types of product development processes, from the simple "Define-Build-Test" model to more sophisticated Stage-Gate methods, Agile/Sprint techniques, and the more recent "Agile Stage-Gate" model. Product development is a team sport, so we look at different types of teams - both good and bad, to identify the way to create high-performance teams for your product development effort. Finally, nothing can get done if innovation isn't part of the corporate culture, and we look at the Gore & Associates company to see what makes for a culture of innovation.


9 vidéos3 lectures1 quiz


Michael J. Readey, Ph.D.
University of Colorado Boulder
10 Cours22 706 apprenants

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