IIMA - IIM Ahmedabad
Strategy and Game Theory for Management

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IIMA - IIM Ahmedabad

Strategy and Game Theory for Management

Enseigné en Anglais

4 632 déjà inscrits


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niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

31 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 10 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Your decisions will impact others and others’ decisions impact you. So, how do we anticipate other people’s decisions in our decision making?

  • It helps you understand the world around you from a fresh perspective. (Refer to the questions in the course description)

  • It helps refine your thinking on dealing with uncertainty and decision-making

  • You can develop skills like structured problem-solving and strategic thinking

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Risk Management
  • Catégorie : Strategic Thinking
  • Catégorie : Negotiation
  • Catégorie : Decision Making
  • Catégorie : Innovation
  • Catégorie : Problem Solving
  • Catégorie : Critical Thinking

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août 2024


18 devoirs

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Il y a 5 modules dans ce cours

This module aims to introduce you to the game theory course. It introduces you to some real-life questions that you can solve by using the concepts we will learn over the course. Following this, the course introduces you to the idea of a game and to some simple games. Subsequently, the module explores the most famous game in game theory: Prisoners’ Dilemma, where smart people find no incentive to cooperate with each other. The module further explores some real-life examples of prisoners’ dilemma. All learning components will be updated upon the official launch of the course


11 vidéos14 lectures4 devoirs

This module introduces you to the famous concept of Nash Equilibrium. What do you do when there is no Dominant Strategy or Dominated Strategies? Where do thought processes converge? This module further explores several interesting phenomena like Stag Hunt, Battle of Sexes, and Hawk Dove Games. We will explore why some inefficient outcomes happen despite all the players knowing that they are suboptimal. We will also explore questions like whether equilibrium means efficient. All learning components will be updated upon the official launch of the course


17 vidéos17 lectures5 devoirs1 sujet de discussion

This module introduces you to the games that are sequential in nature. That is, we look at the cases where players alternate in their moves. Further, there are cases where games repeat themselves. We will look further at when we can expect competitors to cooperate in a prisoners’ dilemma situation. We will also explore some interesting games such as the ultimatum game and the trust game. All learning components will be updated upon the official launch of the course


15 vidéos15 lectures5 devoirs

Often, full information is not available, especially regarding the other players. In this module, we will look at scenarios with partial information. We will explore several interesting applications of such games and look into concepts like winners’ curse and adverse selection. We will also explore the link between biology and game theory All learning components will be updated upon the official launch of the course


13 vidéos12 lectures4 devoirs1 sujet de discussion


1 évaluation par les pairs


Prof. Viswanath Pingali
IIMA - IIM Ahmedabad
1 Cours4 632 apprenants

Offert par

IIMA - IIM Ahmedabad

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