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University of Virginia Darden School Foundation

Sustainable Supply Chains

Enseigné en Anglais


Familiarisez-vous avec un sujet et apprenez les fondamentaux

Doug Thomas
Vidya Mani

Instructeurs : Doug Thomas

niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

6 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • How to build a sustainable supply chain.

  • How to prepare your organization to respond to changes in national policies, and climate and geo-political risks that affect a global supply chain.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Supply Chain Strategy
  • Catégorie : Supply Chain Management Strategies
  • Catégorie : Logistics
  • Catégorie : Supply Chain Metrics
  • Catégorie : Supply Chain Optimization
  • Catégorie : Supply Chain Analysis

Détails à connaître

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3 devoirs

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to the Introduction to Supply Chain Management module. In this module, we will trace the supply chain from the end consumer all the way back to the supplier. We will learn appropriate terminology, identify key decisions and learn how to make these decisions. We will also discuss how supply chains are currently being reshaped by firm-driven innovation, shifting consumer preferences, emerging technology and evolving public policy. Finally, this module will provide a basis for supply chain fundamentals and the sustainable supply chain challenges.


10 vidéos9 lectures1 devoir4 sujets de discussion

Welcome to the Creating and Managing a Sustainable Supply Chain module. In this module we will look at some commonly used frameworks for sustainable development, the standards and metrics available to measure sustainability, and recent laws and legislation that supply chains need to comply with around sustainability. You will learn how enabling supply chain visibility and transparency, align incentives, and design the supply chain to meet the sustainability goals.


5 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir3 sujets de discussion

Welcome to the Critical Supply Chains and National Interests module. In this module we will look at the main components of a critical supply chain - critical products, critical processes, and critical resources. You will hear how recent geo-political and climate risks have impacted the supply chain. Finally, you will be able connect how national policies that are applicable within the country, and enacted in partnership with other countries, can influence sourcing, production, and distribution decisions in the supply chain.


4 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir3 sujets de discussion

Welcome to the final learning module of the course, a Summary of Sustainable Supply Chains. In this module, we'll recap the course and allow for you to reflect on your learnings and understanding.


1 vidéo1 sujet de discussion


Doug Thomas
University of Virginia Darden School Foundation
1 Cours576 apprenants

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