University of Washington
Ukraine: History of Civil Society

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University of Washington

Ukraine: History of Civil Society

Enseigné en Anglais


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niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
38 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 12 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • * The nature of Ukrainian revolutions and mass resistance

    * The values motivating Ukrainians to act in the context of their independence

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juillet 2024


12 devoirs

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Il y a 2 modules dans ce cours

LECTURE 1 "Vanguard and Cornerstones of Ukrainian Civil Society" - The lecture is dedicated to the cornerstones of Ukrainian civil society. ____LECTURE 2 "Conflict and Establishment of Values" - This lecture dwells on a brief history of the manifestation of Ukrainian civil society values from 1991 until now. ____LECTURE 3 "What Was the Orange Revolution? Understanding the Mass-Mobilization in Ukraine" - This lecture is about the Orange Revolution, its prerequisites, the course of events, and the main participants. ____LECTURE 4 "Ways Ukrainian Journalism Wins the Battle for Truth and Independence" - This lecture deals with the right to call a spade a spade, namely, the establishment and development of independent Ukrainian media, as well as the important journalistic initiatives in Ukraine. ____LECTURE 5 "Revolution of Dignity: Causes and Prerequisites, Stages, and Participants" - This lecture analyzes the reasons and prerequisites of the Revolution of Dignity – a protest that transformed the entire state system of rules and the institutional environment. It reviews each of the Euromaidan stages and the key groups of participants.


5 vidéos6 devoirs

LECTURE 6 "From Revolution to Evolution" - This lecture is about the Ukrainian civil society change after the Revolution of Dignity and the beginning of a full-scale war.____ LECTURE 7 "New Institutions and the Anti-Colonial Movement "- This lecture dwells on the new institutions' establishment and governmental reforms in Ukraine. ____ LECTURE 8 "Multiculturalism and Its Implementation in Ukraine" - This lecture is about the concept of multiculturalism and its implementation in Ukraine. ____ LECTURE 9 "The civil society of the Ukrainian East: a Suspended Renaissance" - This lecture presents the history of Ukrainian civil movements and communities in the east of Ukraine, the history of their establishment and development, as well as their activities during the Russian aggression. ____ LECTURE 10 "Civil Society in Crimea"- This lecture features the political and public life of Crimean Tatars in Ukraine, as well as Russia's crimes on the territory of Crimea.____ LECTURE 11 "Society Unification"- This lecture discusses the power and influence of society unification in crisis. ____ LECTURE 12 "People" - This lecture presents the value of justice and historical memory, which was passed down the generations, on the example of several stories of Ukrainian intelligence, artists, and activists.


7 vidéos6 devoirs


Ukrainian Institute Staff
University of Washington
2 Cours7 497 apprenants

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