L&T EduTech
Spécialisation Building Smarter: BIM in Practice

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L&T EduTech

Spécialisation Building Smarter: BIM in Practice

BIM in Practice. Transforming construction project management with the application of BIM

Enseigné en Anglais

Subject Matter Expert

Instructeur : Subject Matter Expert

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Spécialisation - série de 3 cours

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niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

1 mois à raison de 10 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Explore BIM origins and applications, evolving from 2D to object-based modeling with examples in airports, buildings, and infrastructure

  • Gain knowledge in Design Coordination, Engineering Analysis, Visualization, Clash Detection, and LOD with hands-on Revit tutorials

  • Learn 4D and 5D BIM applications, covering ISO 19650 standards, CDE concepts, construction scheduling, collaboration, planning, and safety protocols

  • Delve into BIM's role in safety, risk analysis, digital fabrication, as-built modeling, IoT, Big Data, AI, ML, and Digital Twin technologies

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Visualization Techniques: Create walkthroughs, fly-throughs, and use AR, VR, and MR for model visualization
  • Catégorie : Engineering Analysis: Conduct structural, energy, and lighting analyses using BIM tools
  • Catégorie : Advanced BIM Applications and Emerging Trends: Explore digital twins, IoT, big data analytics, and the future of connected infrastructure
  • Catégorie : Revit Software Skills: Become proficient in using Revit for architecture, structure, and MEP modeling
  • Catégorie : Building Information Modeling (BIM) Proficiency: Master the fundamentals and application of BIM across various domains
  • Catégorie : 4D and 5D BIM Applications: Integrate project scheduling and cost estimation with BIM for enhanced project management
  • Catégorie : Clash Detection and Management: Identify and manage clashes in federated models using advanced tools

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août 2024

Spécialisation - série de 3 cours

Approfondissez votre connaissance d’un sujet

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

1 mois à raison de 10 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Spécialisation - 3 séries de cours

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Learn the fundamentals of BIM, including creating 3D models and using isometric views to enhance project efficiency and collaboration.

  • Use specific modeling techniques for architecture, structure, and MEP, adhering to ISO 19650 standards for managing Work In Progress (WIP).

  • Learn the basics of Autodesk Revit, Revit Architecture for building design, starting with file setup and modeling architectural elements.

  • Use Revit MEP for mechanical, electrical, and plumbing design, including HVAC, plumbing, piping, fire protection systems, and electrical lighting

Compétences que vous acquerrez

Catégorie : Ability to create and manage discipline-specific BIM models using Autodesk Revit, including architecture, structure, and MEP (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing).
Catégorie : Proficiency in Building Information Modeling (BIM) fundamentals and its evolution in engineering, from 2D drawings to comprehensive 3D modeling.
Catégorie : Skills in utilizing Revit's user interface and ribbon menus for efficient project documentation, design authoring, and collaboration across disciplines
Catégorie : Understanding of ISO 19650 standards and workflows for effective BIM project management, including work in progress (WIP) management
Catégorie : Competence in using Revit tools for architectural design, structural modeling, and MEP systems, covering elements, annotations, schedules, and sheet creation

BIM Coordination

COURS 210 heures

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Learn about federated models, clash detection processes, and Levels of Detail (LOD) or Development (LOD) in BIM coordination

  • Explore various visualization types in BIM, including creating different views, walkthroughs, VR, MR, and AR demos to enhance project communication

  • Gain skills in performing structural, energy, and lighting analyses using BIM to optimize building performance and efficiency

  • Understand linking and managing Revit files, performing clash checks, generating reports, and using LOD matrices

Compétences que vous acquerrez

Catégorie : Competence in conducting engineering analyses such as structural, energy, and lighting analyses using BIM tools, facilitating informed design decisions and performance evaluations.
Catégorie : Proficiency in creating and managing federated models using ISO 19650 standards, including linking and reloading Revit files, and exporting various file formats for project collaboration.
Catégorie : Understanding of Level of Development (LOD) concepts and applications, including LOD definitions for various building elements and the use of LOD matrices and model progression matrices to manage BIM data and project information effectively.
Catégorie : Skills in interference detection and clash checking within federated models, utilizing priority matrices, rules, and detailed reports to resolve conflicts and ensure design integrity.
Catégorie : Ability to visualize BIM models effectively through different modes including walkthroughs, fly-throughs, and sectioning, enhancing project communication and stakeholder engagement

Field BIM

COURS 314 heures

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • "Field BIM" covers BIM applications in construction, CDE importance in BIM, followed by 4D BIM, its preparation, implementation, and applications

  • The course explores 4D BIM applications like site planning, construction analysis, 3D coordination, and safety, 5D BIM and Asset Information Model

  • Emerging trends beyond BIM including IoT, Digital Twins, Scan to BIM, Big Data, and AI/ML, highlighting future directions in construction technology

  • Modules include CDE, 4D/Field BIM intro, practical 4D applications in construction, advanced 4D/BIM uses, 5D BIM, AIM, and emerging BIM trends

Compétences que vous acquerrez

Catégorie : Proficiency in 4D BIM for construction scheduling and project visualization
Catégorie : Field BIM expertise for safety management and onsite hazard mitigation
Catégorie : Advanced documentation management including 2D drawing generation and CDE implementation
Catégorie : Quantitative analysis through 5D BIM with focus on quantity take-off and cost estimation
Catégorie : Understanding emerging trends like IoT, big data, AI/ML, and digital twins in BIM applications


Subject Matter Expert
L&T EduTech
81 Cours39 793 apprenants

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L&T EduTech

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