This Specialization is envisioned for learners who wish to deepen their interest in the Korean language and culture or to expand their cross-cultural philosophical interests to Korean philosophy. You will learn essential knowledge about traditional Korean philosophy as well as contemporary Korean culture and philosophy. Through 4 courses, we will cover what new insights the Korean philosophy discussed here can show today. The historical background of the philosophies developed in Korea will be introduced with a focus on philosophical innovations. Next, we will examine what discussions Korean thinkers have had and what solutions they have come up with regarding the philosophical problems common to mankind. We will then cover how traditional and modern philosophy meet and how Korean philosophical thinking permeates the Korean language.
Projet d'apprentissage appliqué
This Specialization is envisioned for learners who wish to deepen their interest in the Korean language and culture or to expand their cross-cultural philosophical interests to Korean philosophy. You will learn essential knowledge about traditional Korean philosophy as well as contemporary Korean culture and philosophy.