How to Improve Memory: Science-Backed Strategies and Tips

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Discover practical tips and techniques to enhance memory and retain information more effectively. From study techniques to lifestyle changes, this quick guide has you covered.

[Featured Image]:  A college student,  wearing a blue shirt and working on a desktop computer, using tools to improve memory.

A powerful memory can unlock countless benefits in your daily life. From taking that big exam to never forgetting a loved one's birthday, the ability to recall important information is a vital skill you can cultivate. Whether you're a learner, professional, or simply looking to enhance your cognitive skills, improving your memory function is worth pursuing. So, let's dive into what memory is and why it matters and explore practical strategies to help you achieve your memory goals.

What is memory?

Memory is the process of absorbing, processing, and storing information in your brain to retrieve it later. You can further divide it into two categories: short-term and long-term. Short-term memory is vital for simple tasks such as remembering where you left your car keys. However, your brain eventually discards anything you don’t need to retain for an extended period. On the other hand, long-term memory plays a significant role in developing who you are since it allows you to learn unique skills and gain knowledge you can hold onto for regular use. 

Can we control our memory?

Much of what you remember happens subconsciously and is out of your control. Experiences tied to strong emotions tend to create powerful, longer-lasting memories due to the effect these emotions have on neural networks and the activation of specific regions in our brains. However, you can control your memory to a certain degree with some effort and developing skills and habits to help you remember information. 


10 strategies to improve your memory

By committing to memory-boosting activities and practices, you can strengthen your cognitive abilities and enjoy the benefits of a sharper mind. Let's explore some effective strategies you can implement to improve your memory retention and overall quality of life. 

Lifestyle strategies

Lifestyle factors play an important role in improved memory because they can directly affect the health and functioning of the brain. The brain is a complex organ that requires a variety of nutrients and stimulation to perform at its best. Certain lifestyle habits can either promote or hinder brain health and memory function.

1. Get enough sleep.

You are more likely to remember information if it follows a good night’s sleep. Researchers have consistently proven sleep helps consolidate memories. Stage 3 sleep, also known as slow-wave or deep sleep, is believed to be essential for improving memory retention.

2. Exercise.

Moderate-intensity exercise is excellent for brain health. Not only does it impact the overall health of new brain cells, but multiple studies also suggest that the parts of your brain responsible for thinking and memory are larger in volume in individuals who exercise regularly than those who don’t.

3. Decrease stress.

Stress is known to impact memory negatively. Yoga, other forms of physical activity, and meditation are great options for managing stress. Proper sleep is also crucial for lowering stress.

4. Keep your brain active.

You’ll find various games to help activate your brain, from puzzles to cards. Keeping your brain active can be fun and effective in improving your memory. Developing new skills, such as programming or choreographing a dance, will also help increase brain activity, so don’t be afraid to challenge yourself to learn something new.

5. Drink enough water.

Water accounts for 75 percent of your brain's mass [1]. Proper hydration is critical for your brain to work at its best. It helps transport nutrients and bring more oxygen to the brain. The amount you need varies from person to person based on factors such as age, but the NHS suggests aiming for six to eight glasses per day [2].

Learning strategies

When you learn new information, your brain processes and stores it for later retrieval. How you approach learning can impact how effectively you encode and retain information in your memory.

6. Practice retrieval.

Active recall is critical when it comes to storing information as memories. Next time you have some studying to do, make a set of flashcards, and you’ll see how much faster you can absorb the information after going through them multiple times. Quiz yourself or ask a study partner to quiz you for another way to practice repetition and recall.

7. Use mnemonic devices.

Have you ever wondered why it’s so easy to remember the lyrics to your favourite song? It’s because songs are one example of a mnemonic device. Other popular mnemonics that can help you memorise content are acronyms and chunking. Chunking is taking longer forms of information and breaking them down into smaller, manageable groups or “chunks” that you can memorise more easily. Another way to commit new information to memory is by building a memory palace—a mnemonic device that associates information you want to remember with familiar locations or landmarks.

8. Spread out your study sessions.

Spacing out study sessions over time—a practice known as spaced repetition—can improve retention compared to cramming. This technique involves reviewing material gradually to reinforce learning and retention.

9. Take advantage of technology.

You can access some of the aforementioned strategies from your phone or computer. From flashcards you can build online to brain game apps you can download, technology is a tool worth utilising to improve your memory.

10.  Keep lists.

Whether it’s your to-do list for the day or groceries you need to remember to pick up from the store, you are more likely to recall information if you take the time to write it out. Plus, if you forget, you know exactly where to look. 

Start exercising your memory

You can improve your memory—it just takes time and a combination of lifestyle and learning strategies. Getting ample sleep and physical activity, exercising, reducing stress, and keeping the brain active all contribute to better memory function. 

You can also develop your learning capacity with courses like Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects from Deep Teaching Solutions. If you want to learn more about memory and memory techniques, dive into the scientific study of human memory with Understanding Memory: Explaining the Psychology of Memory through Movies from Wesleyan University on Coursera. 

Article sources


Zhang, Jianfen, et al.,  US National Library of Medicine. “The Effects of Hydration Status on Cognitive Performances among Young Adults in Hebei, China: A Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT)," Accessed 6 June 2024

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