How to Quit Your Job

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Are you looking for a career swap and want to know how to quit your job? Explore a few tips on quitting your job professionally to maintain a good relationship with your former employer.

[Featured Image] Smiling person looks out the window as he contemplates how to quit his job.

When you reconsider your current career choice and want to quit your job for a better one, how you go about it matters. 

Professionally, quitting your job requires you first to make a plan. A plan can help you think more rationally and make good decisions. Reflect on why you’re quitting and prepare to express those reasons to your employer before drafting a formal resignation letter.

You want to leave on good terms, so maintain a positive and helpful tone. Once you’re ready, follow these steps for an amicable, positive departure.

Notify your employer. 

Your job will come with an official notice period that you have to give, as outlined in your terms of employment contract. If you have been in your role for over a month, your notice period is at least one week. While this is the generally accepted timeline, employers appreciate as much notice as possible. Consider how much time it may take your employer to fill your position. This depends on your position and industry. Generally, the higher your position in the company, the more time it will take to train your replacement. 

However, too much advance notice may affect the remainder of your time with that employer. Consider the needs and dynamics of your workplace and your needs when deciding on timing. The goal should be to provide a respectful, sufficient amount of time without overreaching. 

How you notify your employer is equally as important as when. Request an in-person meeting to tell your boss about your decision to quit. Try to avoid just sending a resignation letter. The resignation letter is your formal declaration of your plans to leave, but it’s not a substitute for an in-person meeting. 

After your meeting, draft a formal letter, usually sent via email so everyone can keep a record of the document. Ask your boss if they prefer another method of delivery. Keep a copy of your letter for your records, as well.

Write a resignation letter. 

Your resignation letter is a critical component of how to quit your job professionally. It’s your chance to communicate why you decided to quit and lay out your plans going forward. This is also your opportunity to express gratitude for your time with the company and ensure you leave positively. 

Some key points in your resignation letter include your date of resignation, reasons for quitting, plans, and a note of thanks for your time with the company. It may be best to keep the letter short and to the point. 

Stay positive. 

A resignation letter should be more than a list of complaints. Address necessary issues, but don’t use this as an opportunity to air every minor grievance. Even when you lay out your reasons for quitting, avoid negativity and put a positive spin on it where possible.

Instead of listing why this job isn’t working for you, focus on the positive aspects of the job that you’ve enjoyed during your time with your employer. If you want to let your employer know you’ve found employment with another company, you can use phrases like “a new job opportunity” instead of “a better job.” Remain upbeat and avoid being unnecessarily condescending or critical. 

Choose your words wisely

An excellent way to tie positivity into your resignation letter is to open with a note of recognition. It could read something like this:

“Dear Jane,

My job here at Company123 has been a positive experience for me in many ways, and I have enjoyed my time with your company.”


Be clear and concise. 

After opening on a positive note, be very clear about your intentions without wavering, offering compromises, or going too in-depth about why you’re choosing to quit your job. Instead, be concise and to the point. Be honest where it’s appropriate, and use discretion in a polite rather than cryptic way. For example, you wouldn’t want to say that you've taken a better job with “great growth potential.” That information is irrelevant and inappropriate. 

Explaining why you’re quitting is not necessary. You can offer this information if you'd like, but I don’t think it is required for an effective and professional letter of resignation. Remember, your primary intention is to notify your employer of your decision to quit and what that move will look like for you. 

Consider offering help in the transition. 

A helpful offering when drafting your resignation letter could be assisting your employer during the transition phase. Maybe you could help to fill the position by posting a job opening notice. Or perhaps you could negotiate the terms of your resignation to allow the employer to train another employee to fill your position.

Some employees may also offer to train the person filling their position. While it might not be required, it’s a nice gesture that could help sweeten the situation for you and your employer. It can even be a way to “pay it forward” if someone helped to train you into your position when you were new to the company. 

Express gratitude. 

In the vein of positivity, be sure to express your gratitude for the opportunities given to you by your employer. Remember that they hired you and gave you the job you currently hold. Don’t dismiss the power of simple gratitude. Be specific about what you're grateful for if you can. For example, did they provide paid training, help you attend conferences, or offer you any promotions while you were with the company? A basic thank you will suffice even if you don’t feel grateful now. 

Maintain good relationships. 

You must maintain a professional relationship with your current employer and co-workers. You might include some of these individuals as references on your CV, and you wouldn’t want to jeopardise your chances of future employment with bad references.

Maintain good relationships with everyone in your company, not just your boss or hiring manager. To do so, avoid gossiping about others, bad-mouthing your company, or complaining about aspects of your job. When everyone knows you’ve decided to quit, don’t let that be your pass to start talking badly about your employer. Maintain a positive attitude and approach when sharing your news.

Prepare for your future job.

If you’re looking to move on, your career is ready for a shift or new challenge, and you are working on a letter of resignation, you will want to consider what you plan to do next.

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