What Is the Project Management Triangle?

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The project management triangle is a visual representation of the relationship between the scope, time, and budget constraints in project management. Explore more about this model and the potential benefits you could enjoy when implementing it.

[Featured Image] A woman is presenting the project management triangle.

The project management triangle is a model in project management that shows how the balance between three constraints—scope, time, and budget—affects the quality of the project. The triangle demonstrates that affecting one constraint will require adjusting one or both of the others in order to maintain quality. People also refer to it as the triple constraint model or the iron triangle. Project managers must oversee all three of these constraints to complete a project successfully. 

For example, imagine that you need to expand the scope of a project. This expansion might mean extending the project’s original schedule or increasing the budget to avoid affecting the quality of the output. Likewise, shortening the schedule to meet an earlier deadline might mean increasing the budget or tightening the scope. Do you need to absolutely reduce the budget and timeline without changing the scope? Then, the triangle might have to shrink, potentially reducing the product’s quality.

Project management triangle showing the relationship between scope, cost, and time, and how it affects the quality of a project.

  • Scope: Scope refers to the deliverables and tasks the team must complete to achieve the project’s goals. It might change if stakeholders decide mid-project that they want to adjust a product or add another product entirely.

  • Cost: Project cost is the total amount of money required to complete a project, also called the budget. Costs might include salaries for employees and money for equipment, tools, office space, and other resources. Adding new members to a team or increasing the time it takes to complete a project can impact cost.

  • Time: Time is how long it takes to complete tasks in a project and the project itself. This constraint is also called the schedule. An expanded scope can increase timelines, as can a decreased budget—for example, if the team removes a team member due to budget constraints, it can take longer to complete a project.

Some models show an enhanced project management “triangle” with six constraints. The six-constraint model adds benefit (sometimes replaced by “resources”), risk, and quality as three more separate constraints [1]. This model is sometimes depicted as a six-point star made from overlapping triangles.

Project management triangle: Why it matters

The project management triangle guides the entire scope of a project and helps keep everyone involved apprised of the variables and elements that take priority. It is a useful concept for project managers for the following reasons:

  • It helps to see how changing one project constraint will affect other constraints. If you change the scope of a product you’re hoping to launch, you know that either the budget needs to increase or the timeline needs to be extended (or both).

  • It can help mitigate risks. Say your project to launch a new piece of software has a hard deadline, and you’re worried your engineers will fall behind. You can ask stakeholders for a contingency budget in case you need to hire another engineer to help complete tasks.

  • It can clarify priorities in a project. Does your project have a hard deadline, a strict budget, or specific deliverable requirements? Knowing this can give you a better idea of what a successful project will look like.

Managing the project management triangle

Understanding how the three elements in the project management triangle link together is an essential first step to managing it. The following offers a few concrete ways you can balance the constraints of the project management triangle: 

  • Communicate with stakeholders: Speak with stakeholders to determine what acceptable change is and which constraints need to be prioritised. Is the deadline immovable, or is the budget strict? This will give you an idea of how the project can adapt should changes become necessary. This is a crucial step in the initial stages of the project, but frequent communication should also happen throughout the project.

  • Establish risk management processes: Planning for risks should be baked into your project management process to prevent scope creep and stay within budget and on schedule. Identify risks, then establish a plan to mitigate each. 

  • Create change management processes: Change is often inevitable. A change management process creates a structured way of approving or rejecting changes. Doing so ensures the team is aware of changes as they happen and how they impact the project. It can also reduce scope creep.

  • Choose a methodology based on constraints: You might adopt a project management methodology based on your constraints. For example, you might manage projects that face strict constraints through Waterfall-type approaches. An Agile method like Scrum might be more fitting if you need more flexibility. Projects where you need to minimise inefficiencies as much as possible can benefit from a Lean approach.

Getting started in project management

The project management triangle has various benefits, from streamlining inefficiencies to reducing risks. Gaining a robust understanding of the project management triangle can help give you a foundation for a career in project management, which has evolved into a promising field in India. The demand for those with the right knowledge and skills continues to increase. 

Mastering the project management triangle is one of the many fundamental concepts aspiring project managers should know. If you’re looking for a place to learn other project management essentials, check out the Google Project Management: Professional Certificate.

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Article sources

  1. Project Management Institute. "Six (yes six!) constraints: An enhanced model for project control, https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/six-constraints-enhanced-model-project-control-7294." Accessed August 29, 2024.

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