
Amy Vanko

Director, R&D Learning, Moderna


Amy started as a bench scientist at Merck, performing high-throughput, multi-modality, preclinical in vivo imaging in support of drug discovery and animal model validation. After nearly 20 years, she transitioned from the bench to the business where she held leadership roles in strategy execution and communication. She founded PREPTalks and co-founded the imagine@Merck initiative, earning recognition for innovation and scientific storytelling. Amy has always been curious about the world around her and is passionate about continuously learning and developing, both herself and others. She is now the Director of R&D Learning at Moderna, where she supports the R&D organization in their quest for knowledge and growth by building curriculum and educational programs for Moderna's scientists. Alongside Dr. Melissa Moore's incredible expertise in mRNA and the mRNA medicine platform, Amy's grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to the development of "mRNAs as Medicines" and proud to make it freely accessible to everyone across the globe.

Courses - English