
Brian Casey

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Planned Giving


Brian Casey is currently the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Planned Giving at UC Davis. In this role, he provides leadership for the Office of Planned Giving with a focus on building a proactive gift planning program. His strength is building relationships and utilizing planned giving strategies to help donors incorporate their philanthropic passion into their financial and estate planning goals. Prior to joining UC Davis, he served in a planned giving role at two land-grant institutions—first at Iowa State University and, most recently, Pennsylvania State University. During Brian’s twenty-year career, he has built effective relationships to advance strategic initiatives. At Iowa State University, he spent thirteen years taking on progressive levels of responsibility. He worked his way up from an accounting position into a lead development position within a college before joining the development staff in the Office of Gift Planning. At Pennsylvania State University, he enhanced his entrepreneurial approach to identifying unique and creative ways to incorporate gift planning. Over the past fifteen years, Brian has excelled at utilizing complex gift strategies to secure major and planned giving contributions. Gift planning has provided the perfect opportunity to combine his experience in accounting and fundraising. He is passionate about educating and advising individuals on the power of utilizing highly-technical gift planning tools to maximize giving. Helping them to think beyond the simple bequest to utilize charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts to fulfill their philanthropic, financial, and family objectives has resulted in larger gifts than donors originally believed possible. Brian has been successful in motivating donors and possesses a proven ability to work with a variety of people in diverse and complex situations. He has been involved with four major campaigns that have ranged from $458 million to $2 billion. These campaigns have allowed him the opportunity to close three gifts over $10 million. Brian earned his bachelor’s degree in accounting from Iowa State University.

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