
David W. Andrews, Ph.D.

Dean and Professor, School of Education


David W. Andrews is an American educator who has spent his entire career trying to better understand the developmental needs of children and their families and create innovative, evidence-based mechanisms to meet those needs. He is currently Dean and Professor in the School of Education at Johns Hopkins University, and holds a Professorial appointment in the Bloomberg School of Public Health.

Dean Andrews and his faculty colleagues moved the Johns Hopkins school from the #17 graduate school ranking in the U.S. to the #1 ranking (U.S. News and World Report; Best Graduate Schools of Education). He has dramatically improved the visibility and quality of contributions of the school by actively engaging in the national school reform agenda. He also led the development of Henderson-Hopkins a new, comprehensive $53 million laboratory/charter school in Baltimore.

Dean Andrews was the founding dean of Ohio State University's College of Education and Human Ecology, and led the new college during its formative years. He has been consistently committed to improving academic and behavioral outcomes for at-risk children and youth. While at Ohio State, he brought together the academic community to address the educational and developmental needs of youth from birth through young adulthood. He helped establish the university’s Service Learning Initiative, strengthening university/community partnerships, and was the administrator for federally funded longitudinal research studies focusing on the prevention of adolescent and young adult problem behavior. In addition, he founded and directed the Center for Learning Excellence of the John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy.