Dr. Gerhard Wickler: Obtained his Ph.D. in 1999 at Edinburgh in the area of AI Planning. He went on to hold research positions in Italy, Belgium, and Germany, working in several areas of AI. Since 2004 he has been senior researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Application Institute (AIAI) within the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh, where he teaches the AI Planning course. Dr. Wickler regularly publishes in AI-related conferences and journals, reporting on his research in AI Planning and Intelligent Agents applied to emergency response. He is an active reviewer for a number of conferences and journals. He has been a member of the programme committees for various workshops and conferences, including the Intelligent Systems track at ISCRAM. He is currently lead scientist on an EPSRC and industry funded Autonomous and Intelligent Systems project using AI plan modelling in dynamic environments. In May 2010, he was elected onto the board of directors of the ISCRAM Association and has received the ISCRAM Distinguished Service Award.