
Hans Henrik Lidgard

Senior Professor


Hans Henrik Lidgard is since 1997 a professor of Private Law at the Lund University and a HC professor at HCMC Law University, Vietnam. He has been a practicing attorney (1972-1984) in Advokatfirman Vinge and been responsible for EU affairs within Pharmacia AB (1985-1997). His legal writings focuses on innovation market related problems in the intersection between antitrust and IPR. HHL teaches law on an advanced level and has been responsible for the Master of European Affairs program. In addition, HHL serves as an arbitrator in international arbitration proceedings and is also the founder and chair of Magle AB and a board member in several high tech companies.

Furthermore, he has extensive teaching experience in the fields of EU Law, International Law, Contract law, Marketing law (including competition law and IPR) on master level and supervising Swedish and foreign PhD and Masters students.

He is a member member of the Swedish Competition Council 2003-2011 and the Swedish Network of European Studies and a member of the editing board of Europarättslig Tidskrift (ERT). Since 2001 Teacher in the SIDA sponsored program “Empowering Legal Education in Vietnam” coordinated by the Lund University Law Faculty.

Primary publications: Sverige-EEC och Konkurrensen, Dissertation, 240 p., Juridiska Föreningen Lund (1977); A survey of Commercial Agency, (Ed. with Rohwer, C.D. and Campbell, D.), Kluwer 718 p., (1984); Licensavtal i EU, Kommentar till kommissionens förordning 240/96 om tillämpning av Romfördragets artikel 85.3 på vissa grupper om avtal om tekniköverföring, 479 p., Publica (1997); EU Competition Classics, 450 p., (2001) (under revision Magle Publishing, 2015.); Parallellhandel, konsumtion av immaterialrätt i Europa och USA, 405 p., Norstedts (2004), Protecting and Transferring Biotech Inventions, (Ed.), 308 p., Studentlitteratur, (2004); National Developments in the Intersection of IPR and Competition Law, From Maglite to Pirate Bay, (Ed.) Hart Publishing 2011; Sustainable Technology Transfer (ed. with Atik, J & Nguyen Thanh Tu)

Kluwer 2012), Licensing in an International Context (with Jeff Atik), (Magle Publishing 2015). A

rticles regarding primarily competition and intellectual property rights in Swedish and foreign law journals. (,!jur-hli)